Silly costumes were the least problem with Justin Trudeau’s ‘disaster trip’ to India – IOTW Report

Silly costumes were the least problem with Justin Trudeau’s ‘disaster trip’ to India

AMERICAN THINKER: See also: Hilarious: Justin Trudeau dresses like Indian stereotype in India and gets slammed
The ridiculous costumes worn by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on his trip to India got all the attention in the American media, but the Indian political and media establishment is far more upset over his implied support for secessionist forces seeking an independent secessionist state for Sikhs, known as Khalistan. They are suggesting that the motivation for his trip was to gain political support from Canada’s large immigrant population of Sikhs.

The Times of India is using unusually blunt language to describe the depth of the disaster in an article titled, “Why Trudeau’s disaster trip may trigger a reset in India-Canada ties.”


Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau’s visit was a disaster that has little parallel in India’s recent diplomatic history. (snip)

A prime ministerial visit to a foreign country for a week with a thin official component is always fraught with danger. In addition, moving the official meetings to the very end of the trip indicated that the government meetings were an after-thought. Most foreign leaders who throw in other events almost always front-load the official meetings, and then go on to business or tourism events.

Here, it was clear from the start that Trudeau came to India to score with his Sikh constituency back home — four out of the six cabinet ministers who travelled with him were Sikh, as were an overwhelming number of MPs who also travelled with him. Until the media barrage in India forced the Canadian side to change tack, Trudeau was not even ready to meet Amarinder Singh, chief minister of Punjab. Even the Canadian high commissioner’s official reception was a celebration of Punjab with the prime minister himself waltzing in on bhangra beats.  MORE

16 Comments on Silly costumes were the least problem with Justin Trudeau’s ‘disaster trip’ to India

  1. I’m beginning to think that Trudy couldn’t pour piss out of a boot even if the directions were written of the heel. Is there anything he’s done or said that’s correct?

  2. With a touch of luck all the idiots that voted for Trudeau the Younger because he’s so dreamy will come to their senses and destroy the Liberal Party in 18 months. God knows this idiot alone has created enough elections ads that will help in his own political demise. He’s really is that stupid and without his handlers (who must have missed the flight) and no set speech he comes across as a goof.

  3. Trudeaupe is such a moron. The next Indian PM who visits Canaduh should dress up as one of the MacKenzie brothers and walk around calling every Canadian official a “hoser”. Gawdalmighty but this guy is an arch moron. He represents everything that is wrong and horrible about the way progtards raise their rugrats.

  4. I wonder why he didn’t dazzle them with that slinky black cocktail dress he wears on nights on the town in Canada, that little number would have got him boned in the ass for sure.

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