Silverman and Franken get booed off stage after calling out Sanders supporters – IOTW Report

Silverman and Franken get booed off stage after calling out Sanders supporters

Regated: Monday night, comedienne Sarah Silverman and Senator Al Franken delivered a joint speech to unify the Democratic National Convention, but it ended with the duo booed off stage to chants of “BULLSH!T.”

28 Comments on Silverman and Franken get booed off stage after calling out Sanders supporters

  1. This is what our country has devolved into; a bunch of self-serving entertainers who think they’re smarter than the rest of us.

    Turn the damn TV off, already. Cancel your cable service if you really want to get their attention.

  2. This is what our country has devolved into; a bunch of self-serving entertainers who think they’re smarter than the rest of us.

    Turn the damn TV off, already. Cancel your cable service if you really want to get their attention.

  3. That Franken turd is one retarded looking and acting dude and yet the Idiots of Minnesota elected him a Senator! Sure did depreciate the value and importance of the office!

  4. Man, The Crazy Train is off the rails BIG TIME.

    MN is the same state that has Somali No-Go zones and all elected Keith Ellison. And Franken has to be thanking his lucky stars for those found votes in car trunks.

  5. Wifey reported back on the positive energy from the Roanoke Trump town hall yesterday.

    She originally couldn’t stand Trump, based mainly on media manipulation. After seeing him in person she has gone complete 180.

    4000 people showed up for a 2000 person venue. It was 95 deg out and people stood in line for 2 hrs to see him. We both wonder where is the Hilberbeast support is coming from because we only know one supporter, and she can’t vote.

  6. @navigator
    There are plenty of ‘comedians’ that aren’t funny at all.
    Whoopi Goldberg has never made me laugh. Joy Behar bills herself as a comic with no evidence. David Letterman used to be funny until he discovered politics then he turned into a mean spirited snarling leftist with no sense of humor. Same with Stuart Smalley aka Al Frankenstein. Years back when he had a show on Air America he was at CPAC. Somebody said something
    To him that he didn’t like and he started throwing folding chairs at people. Total asshole.

  7. That is some crappy comedy by both those assholes.
    I am starting to like Bernie supporters. They don’t know it but they are doing a great job of creating chaos. lol. Useful idiots.

  8. Sarah Silverman and Al Franken. Now there’s a pair to draw to. A comedian (comedienne is so sexist, don’cha know) and an ex-comedian. The Dems sure know how to pick ’em. I guess the irony is lost on the clueless, though.

  9. The Dems are all stuck in a mythical 70s era – Their policies, politics, and people. I mean Franken? Silverman? Simon? You cant’t get much more retro.

  10. I had to engineer a radio remote show for Franken when he was on Hair Hermerica. He was an ass. His staff were complimentary towards me, tho. They told me at other events, they couldn’t get the engineer’s to get it right.

  11. Both of them are limo liberals who love to preach. In Silverman’s case she only made it as a “comedienne” because she is attractive (if you don’t count the nostrils) with a good bodies that says c*nt, c*cksuker etc etc and shilled to the boys in the audience. Her movie/tv career would be just about non-existent if it weren’t for Seth McFarland (another smarmy liberal) throwing her the odd tidbit. Al Franken cheated (or had it done for him) to get originally elected in Minnesota, the land of lakes, inbreeding and muslim no-go zones.
    Now that Bernie’s out (even though there is ample evidence of the DNC and Hillary trying to sabotage him) I hope all his followers go rogue and either write in his name or vote for Trump in the elections.

  12. @Reina Del Mundo, you just reminded me where I saw that trollop before. She was on a talk show yakking about how she peed the bed until she was 10. Mark Wahlberg was on the couch next to her and he kept moving farther and farther away from her to avoid getting soaked. lol. He had a look on his face the whole time like, WTF??

  13. The unfunny prostitute’s show on Comedy Central abruptly came to an end after she thought it would be funny to lick her dog in the private area. No joke. She really did. It bombed… like the mondo dukes she leaves unflushed in the toilet.

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