Simon: RFK Jr. Destroys His Candidacy With VP Pick – IOTW Report

Simon: RFK Jr. Destroys His Candidacy With VP Pick

Via ZeroHedge:

Authored by Roger L. Simon via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

I interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for Epoch TV’s “Roller Coaster” series and also attended one of his birthday parties. In both instances, I liked the man, found him to be intelligent and personable, and also unafraid to take stands against the über-conformist Democratic Party, notably on health care and, to some degree, on the dangers of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Although I have been an unabashed Donald Trump supporter since he came down the escalator and continue to be so, I would not have been disappointed, even pleased, had former President Trump chosen Mr. Kennedy as his vice-presidential candidate.

Unlikely as it may have been, it could have helped bring our fractured country together.

No longer.

If reports are true—and, in that regard, the website name was reportedly registered by one of his campaign operatives on March 13—Mr. Kennedy has chosen attorney Nicole Shanahan as his running mate.

I find this bizarre, to say the least, not to mention disappointing.

Whatever his intentions, such a ticket would drive this country even further apart because Ms. Shanahan is a self-described “progressive.” But that’s only the tip of a disturbing iceberg I will get to in a minute. MORE

11 Comments on Simon: RFK Jr. Destroys His Candidacy With VP Pick

  1. RFK Jr. Might be a good choice kicking ass against the CDC, FDA, or NIH. Not much else. Kennedy is in favor of legal citizenship for children of illegal invaders if they are born in the U.S. In favor of mail in ballots. Has not seen evidence of election fraud in 2020. In favor of tax credits for wind power. In favor of increased government regulations for the environment. End all offshore drilling. In favor of single payer healthcare. Supports student loan forgiveness. Wants to increase taxes on the rich to reduce interest rates on student loans. Continue to fund the WHO. No wall on the Southern Border.

    But wait, there’s more….

  2. I read his book, The Real Anthony Fauci, and recommend it. President Trump should put him in charge of NIH or the CDC because he’s not one of them. But he’s not one of us on the majority of issues.

  3. Maybe RFK Jr is trying to court the ‘woke’ vote. And courtesy of a divorce she is filthy rich.

    Why isn’t Bernie running this time round? At the least he might get another new house.

  4. All we need to know about RFK Jr. is that the is a friggin Kennedy and is not to be trusted under any circumstances. No more Kennedy’s, Bushes, Clinton’s etc. and other snooty elites and gutless, linguini spined RINO’s ever again.

  5. I didn’t think anyone considered him a serious contender.
    How many primaries did he win?

    He’s the human equivalent of those flies that get in cow’s noses and irritate them … or a pecker gnat …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Off topic but the picture on the home page that is associated with this post is from the series, ‘The IT Crowd’ which is available to us here in the states on BritBox.

    It’s not hilarious, but it is funny. We enjoyed watching the series. The very first episode was not so good so don’t judge it by that.

    We’ve been watching pretty much exclusively British television on either BritBox or AcornTV for a couple of years. Part of the appeal is that we don’t know the politics of the actors.


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