Simon Rosenberg Makes The Most Ridiculous Economic Defense of Illegal Aliens… – IOTW Report

Simon Rosenberg Makes The Most Ridiculous Economic Defense of Illegal Aliens…

Conservative Treehouse:  Welcome to the dimension of bizarro world that is so far away from reality it creates it’s own gravity and inverts itself. This position is actually being broadcast on national television. Simon Rosenberg appeared on Tucker Carlson’s TV show to defend illegal immigration. In his position he attempts an economic defense that he has carefully written out for recitation.

Rosenberg claims that because illegal aliens represent 5% of the population, and because the U.S. GDP is around $20 trillion – the economic value of illegal aliens is $1 trillion.

Let that sink in. Simon Rosenberg is saying the U.S. Gross Domestic Product is an outcome of, or connected to, the size of the U.S. population.    more here 

15 Comments on Simon Rosenberg Makes The Most Ridiculous Economic Defense of Illegal Aliens…

  1. By his reckoning, each of the approx. 326,000,000 individuals in the U.S. is responsible for more than $61,000 of the GDP. And that number, he would claim, is the same for homeless schizophrenics, welfare mothers with seven kids by nine fathers, plus Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, and Warren Buffet.

    Can you say “fatuous” boys and girls?

  2. I watched that interview before reading the post and thought Rosenberg was actually basing his numbers on an actual study or economics report. I didn’t realize he was trying to bluff his way through by claiming a relationship between to unrelated variables and just assumed he was dealing in supported economics research. That’s a good catch that very few are going to make for themselves.

  3. This assclowns argument is easily shot to pieces by the fact that the jobs he says are creating wealth for the country would be filled by American born citizens if the criminal illegals weren’t here. In fact, they would actually be creating more tax revenue because the wages wouldn’t have been driven down by all the cheap labor. The guys a liberal hack and I’d like to push his face in.

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