” Simple-minded racist Ocasio-Cortez joins forces with infamous anti-semite Jeremy Corbyn…” – IOTW Report

” Simple-minded racist Ocasio-Cortez joins forces with infamous anti-semite Jeremy Corbyn…”

Geller Report:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and notorious Nazi Jeremy Corbyn have joined forces. Echoing Germany’s National Socialist Workers Party (Nazi Party), this is the 21st century version, the International Socialist Workers Party. Their rhetoric and policy recommendation differ little from those of Socialist leader Adolf Hitler:  MORE



10 Comments on ” Simple-minded racist Ocasio-Cortez joins forces with infamous anti-semite Jeremy Corbyn…”

  1. I think AOC represents the thinking of a very large percentage of Democrats outside the old established leadership hierarchy.

    As the older ones die off or are otherwise replaced in office, expect the Dems to move farther and farther in her leftist direction and watch her emerge as one of their new leaders.

  2. She’s a flash in the pan and really nothing more than a stupid kid.Even the powers that be on the left aren’t going to allow her any control, she’s merely a handy prop.

  3. Communism has always been international. Class based across national borders. Hitler & Mussolini differed from that plan only by having national pride and desiring to recreate past Empires.

  4. This idiot thinks she freaken Ann Landers. For any and all topics. She a mental case. You should read her twitter account. I want to ask her whats a better home defense round 300 Black out or 556. I bet she would render an opinion.


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