Since Taliban Gain Control, Over Half of Afghan Population Doesn’t Have ‘Enough to Eat’ – IOTW Report

Since Taliban Gain Control, Over Half of Afghan Population Doesn’t Have ‘Enough to Eat’

Epoch Times: NEW DELHI—Already stressed by continuous drought and conflict the number of Afghans needing humanitarian assistance increased from 18 million to 24 million after the Taliban took over the country on Aug, 15, according to Babar Baloch, the global spokesperson, for the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.

The 24 million in need account for over half of Afghanistan’s total population of 40 million.

“So these are people who need support from humanitarian agencies, otherwise, it’s very hard for them to survive,” Baloch told The Epoch Times over the phone from Geneva. After Aug. 15 he spent three months inside Afghanistan and on the border inside the Pakistan side and he said the situation calls for an urgent humanitarian response.

Baloch said during his stay and travel he witnessed 3.5 million people displaced by “fighting and conflict” and 1.5 million people displaced by drought. “So this is a big number,” he said. In 2021 alone 700,000 people were displaced by conflict in Afghanistan, and 80 percent of them are women and children, he said. more

24 Comments on Since Taliban Gain Control, Over Half of Afghan Population Doesn’t Have ‘Enough to Eat’

  1. “Since Taliban Gain Control, Over Half of Afghan Population Doesn’t Have ‘Enough to Eat’”

    On purpose.

    Dictators ALWAYS use starvation as a weapon.

    That’s why we have shortages HERE.

    And they will get worse HERE as the Democrats arrogate more and more power to themselves.

    All by design.

    You’ll see…

  2. More than half of the Afghans are all Kulaks now and are soon to be like what Stalin did to the Ukrainians by starving them to death in the 1930’s. Nothing has changed with totalitarian governments in the past century they all use misery and death and starvation as a means to kill off those who disagree with their murderous policies. And don’t think that these murdering bastards would not try to do the same in this country, they will if they can get away with it.

  3. We’ve got climate change, Islamophobia, the patriarchy putting down women and children, throw in racism because they are dark skinned Caucasians. All the issues ticked. They must keep the issue of abandoned Americans and billions of dollars of weapons left in Afghanistan out of the news cycle.

    I’d like to see Kamalala’s 23 and Me results.

  4. Someone should as Brandon if this was all according to “the plan”? After all, they planned for every contingency- right?

    I’d care but as they are savages what do I care what they do to themselves? We tried to bring them civilization. Let the word go forth if there is a ‘next time’ next time we don’t nation build. Next time we just use Neutron Bombs. That is assuming we still have a Republic and we get control over our elections again. If that does not happen what does it matter if there is a next time?


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