Sinead O’Connor dead at 56 – IOTW Report

Sinead O’Connor dead at 56

Just The News: Irish singer Sinead O’Connor died at the age of 56.

The Irish Times reported her death Wednesday. Her cause of death is unclear.

She was hospitalized in January 2022 one week after her son committed suicide. Before she was hospitalized, she had tweeted: “I’ve decided to follow my son. There is no point living without him. Everything I touch, I ruin. I only stayed for him. And now he’s gone.”

The Dublin singer released 10 studio albums and her song, Nothing Compares 2 U, reached number one in the world in 1990.

39 Comments on Sinead O’Connor dead at 56

  1. This is indeed a tough crowd. Related to a previous post about who you felt about performers their politics not withstanding…. I felt that she was physically beautiful (even bald), loved her voice and dreamed that someday some equally beautiful woman would sing ‘Nothing Compares 2U’ to ME! RIP Sinead.

  2. Prince wrote the song she became famous for. I don’t wish ill will on her. I suppose I see her as a grieving parent that was mentally unstable in the first place. She converted to Islam, so that makes her a denier of Christ. He is the judge.

  3. “In a post on social media, O’Connor wrote: ‘I have now formally identified the remains of my son, Shane. May God forgive the Irish State for I never will.”

    The same State she dedicated her entire life to expanding authority over each and every aspect of each and every human being’s life. She was rather slow on the uptake.

  4. IIRC She went on SNL and tore up a photograph of Pope JPII that her mother had on display in her home.

    My inclination is that her mother was a devout Catholic and the daughter resented that. In the daughter’s eyes she alone should have been and felt cheated out of her mother’s undivided loyalty.

  5. She certainly had musical talent but far too much additional baggage for me to pay attention to her. I only know who she is (was) because she abused her celebrity status.

  6. she was mentally impaired from a young age.
    she sang beautifully.

    and half the comments here are negative/dismissive because she was clearly ungrounded and was constantly looking for something to take away her pain.

    those of you disparaging her death because of her mental illness should be embarrassed by your own comments.

  7. β€˜Nothing Compares 2 U’ was on the radio with heavy rotation during the time I was trying to decide what to do next. I had moved back to Ohio after being laid off from my first real job and after breaking up with my first serious boyfriend.

    I drove my CRX around a lot to get out of the house. No one can deny the power of that song. The songstress had her troubles. That one song is a forever memory for me.

    RIP πŸ’

  8. @ Gert B. Frobe AT 7:13 PM

    β€œand half the comments here are negative/dismissive because she was clearly ungrounded and was constantly looking for something to take away her pain.”

    No doubt. I see thousands of them commuting into and from Seattle daily. Their arrogance compels them to keep looking for joy and fulfillment in places that nobody has ever found it. At the risk of redundancy, Marxism/progressivism/Satanism is 100% invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. When Satan’s high priest, Marx referred to religion as the opiate of the masses it was not with benevolent intent. When progressives attack our religious institutions it is not because they are concerned about anything other than pleasing their Dark Prince.

    The progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement preys on people like her when they applaud and encourage her deeper into her search down the rat holes she was exploring. It isn’t The Church that is corrupt, it is the people who seized control and abused The Church. .

  9. as down thru the glen i rode again
    and my heart within me sore
    for i parted then with valiant men
    whom i never shall see more
    but to and fro in my dreams i go
    and i kneel and pray for you
    for slavery fled you rebel dead
    when you fell in the foggy dww

  10. The debate is over when one voice is silenced.

    Did she have a beautiful voice? Yes.
    Was she troubled? Troublesome? Yes.
    Is it up to us to reconcile that? No.

    Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace.

  11. She was crazy, and she drove her son crazy (he killed himself). I think we’re going to find out she killed herself as well. It’d be interesting to analyze her parents: I’d bet one of them was crazy, too.

  12. @ Goldenfoxx AT 4:55 PM

    Islam does not recognize Jesus as God. It recognizes Jesus as something less.

    β€œI am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him [that is, Christ]: β€˜I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.’ That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic–on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg–or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse…. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come up with any patronising nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”

    –C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity

  13. I watched an interview with her decades ago. She wanted The Church to recognize truth based on a democratic vote. In other words, they considered themselves individually or collectively to be above God in deciding Truth.

    It goes straight back to envy and diabolic narcissism every time. From envy comes resentment and from narcissism arrogance and resentment combined with arrogance is an exceedingly destructive combination.


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