Singer Daryl Hall Verbally Bitch Slaps Interviewer – IOTW Report

Singer Daryl Hall Verbally Bitch Slaps Interviewer


Diogenes’MiddleFinger: The crazies at have become some of the most enthusiastic proponents of the ‘Cultural Appropriation‘ bandwagon, piloted by the left on behalf of racist blacks and hispanics. But one interviewer walked right into a buzz saw spouting this nonsense recently in an interview with singer Daryl Hall of Hall and Oats…

One of the current debates is over “cultural appropriation” – The idea that white people should not appropriate the culture of ethnic and racial minorities. I know that you don’t like the term “blue eyed soul.” Have you followed this conversation?

“Are you trying to say that I don’t own the style of music that I grew up with and sing? I grew up with this music. It is not about being black or white. That is the most naïve attitude I’ve ever heard in my life.

—–Uh oh. 


35 Comments on Singer Daryl Hall Verbally Bitch Slaps Interviewer

  1. Why is there no outcry of “cutlural appropriation” over Hamilton – one of this year’s biggest Broadway hits? All the characters including white founder Alexander Hamilton are blacks or minorities.

    I don’t recall one black person signing the Declaration of Independence.

  2. “If you work hard and you’re good, you can build something for yourself. ”
    – Daryl Hall

    Sorry, D, the dipshit in the WH would have to disagree with you….

  3. It’s a bitch girl, and it’s gone too far,
    But you know it don’t matter anyway,
    You can rely on your old mans money…

    That fits about 90% of the trustafarians at Salon.

  4. So can we use this “Cultural Appropriation” argument to stop crappy country musicians from singing like they know anything about the country? With their skinny jeans and $400 haircuts…gimme a break

  5. Do Blacks need to lay off eating waffles because they originated in the medieval days in France or thereabouts?
    And then chickens come from southeast Asia.
    Maple syrup was a product of the Mi’kmaq Indians way up North.
    Butter is the only thing that can be directly tied to Africa.
    So Mr. Salon Reporter, please stifle yourself

  6. I suppose football was created by slaves during break time in the cotton fields, and George Washington Carver made the first basketball out of peanut shells.

  7. The only things on Earth that weren’t “culturally appropriated” are lice-picking and killing one’s neighbors.

    Ignorant clowns should fuck off – eat shit – and die.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. When my daughter was in 6th grade she came home with a paper full of inventions by black people. Included were clocks, locks, doorknobs and helicopters.

    I asked the black principal (with a master’s degree) where the examples were of all these items because I could show her items in Europe and this country that disprove the claims.

    Her response was that “we all know white people claimed them as their own.”

    The list was handed out in church.

    This is what black people are taught from the earliest days.

  9. Negroes invented the stick.

    Actually, they saw some Chimpanzees beating a snake to death with one, and “appropriated” the idea from them.

    It took them less than 4 months to figure out where sticks came from – and then – it was Katie-Bar-the-Door! The face of Africa was forever changed. No more did the humble black African have to beat his neighbors and friends to death with rocks!

    About 2 centuries later he found he could poke the stick into his neighbors’ and friends’ eyes, as well.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. those wonderful bagpipe and drums negro spirituals?

    What, you mean the original tear-jerker was, “Amazing Place,” but the evil fucking whitey changed it ?? WTF

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