Singer Janet Jackson Claims Kamala Harris Is Not Black – IOTW Report

5 Comments on Singer Janet Jackson Claims Kamala Harris Is Not Black

  1. Kakala is more Desi than anything else, from her mother. Her father? Unknown mix of African slave and Irish slave trader/owner. She’s a veritable mutt.

    Speaking of mutt, you’ve heard that ugly term “mud people” right? Kakala’s one of the manure people.

  2. In the parlance of the intersectionalogists, depriving or denying them that which give them status is the ultimate burn. Saying ,”You ain’t black” for them is analogous to one of us questioning your sexuality, patriotism, or ability to provide/protect for your family.

    She needs to send Doug over there (he can bring his purse) and give that Janet Jackson what for.

  3. Kama-chameleon’s black enough, because of her father. That’s how she’s pied pipering plenty of black Demwit voters. No one can convince them she’s not black.

    Of course, Kama-chameleon is genetically predominant “red dot” East Indian. Also, she IS of black African descent, no matter how low that percentage is in reality. Just as minimal as her European genes.

    Culturally, she’s East Indian and that’s her heritage. She doesn’t identify with having black genes at all, even when she’s trying to sound hood.

    Janet Jackson has it partially right. Kama-chameleon’s NOT black…culturally. She has NOTHING in common with black Americans at all. That may be Janet’s issue with Kama-chameleon not clearing things up about her ethnicity.

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