Single mom leaves child at home ‘every night’ to scream at Feds – IOTW Report

Single mom leaves child at home ‘every night’ to scream at Feds

Dialing child services…

CFP: Here’s one of those infamous Portland moms having a complete meltdown on the streets of Rose City… while her children are at home. — “I’m a single mom and I work full time and I HAVE to come and spend my nights with you! My kids love me and I want to go home to them but they agree this is important!” more

29 Comments on Single mom leaves child at home ‘every night’ to scream at Feds

  1. Sugar daddy Soros must be decreasing the riot fund or moving on to another city. If this is the best they got in the “activist mom” auditions, it’s time to roll it up and call it a day.

    She convinced no one, not even the usual rabble rousers. Couldn’t even muster up a ACAB or FTP.

  2. Bla, bla, bla… the only thing this piece of shit cares about is getting her own way. She is so full of shit.

    Everything in her life involves the politics of the temper tantrum.

  3. Her kids are getting the best deal. I’m thinking they may not agree with her (hopefully not anyway), but tell her they do so she will go psycho-rant at someone else other than at themselves.

  4. Envy and self hatred are behind this. The hatred they have for self manifests in seething rage at others they have projected their self hatred onto.

    My fairly left leaning neighbor ask me the other day if I could comprehend how these rioters became so filled with hatred. I told her: Yes I can. It is the lifetime of hatred they have for themselves projected onto others they resent for living a fulfilling life.

    They deserve no sympathy and get none from me. The best I have for them is pity, but more often it is disgust.

  5. Assuming that she actually HAS kids, these riots are probably the first real break they’ve ever had from her, and they’re probably praying to God they never let up as long as they get her fat ass up off the couch and out of the house for a few hours every night.

  6. “Sleep deprived’, huh? She sure ain’t missing no danged meals, though. The blubbery sack of shit should have put on a bra before she ditched her passel of mongrel bastard children to riot in the streets. Hell, the mutts she left home alone are prolly glad for the peace and quiet that her absence gifts them.

  7. Umm, if your kids want you home, then you need to choose what is more important – your kids or someone you have never met.

    In addition, do you really think anyone in the blm movement really cares about you? You are a white woman. They would gun you down in an instant if you weren’t promoting their bs blather.

  8. Her little ones may get hold of some matches or leave the stove on or overflow the bathtub or stick a fork in an electric outlet just to see what happens. She thinks yelling at police is more important than than her kids. She also uses the time-honored tactic of crying when she wants attention. She’s a sad sack of shit all right.

  9. Please. Her kids want her out oh the house. Her daughters take after her weigh 280 already and dating black me (not boys) They have to sneak their menfriends in, not because she would approve, but so she doesn’t hit on them. Her sons can’t invite any of their friends because she is boyfriend shopping among the teens. Finally, she would wear make-up but sherwin williams discontinued her color.

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