Sinking Warren: Green New Deal Not Enough, We Also Need a ‘Blue New Deal’ – IOTW Report

Sinking Warren: Green New Deal Not Enough, We Also Need a ‘Blue New Deal’

Legal Insurrection:

During a recent campaign stop in Virginia, Elizabeth Warren praised the ‘Green New Deal’ but suggested it just doesn’t go far enough. She also wants a ‘Blue New Deal’ to save the oceans.

This is becoming a familiar pattern for some 2020 Democrats. When they think their campaign is floundering, and Warren’s is, they try to up the progressive ante and push harder left. We saw Beto O’Rourke do this with gun control shortly before he dropped out.

Warren is now doing it with climate change.

23 Comments on Sinking Warren: Green New Deal Not Enough, We Also Need a ‘Blue New Deal’

  1. Like Bloomberg, she’s just trying to out advertise, on somebody else’s plan.

    Here’s a tip, Lizzy: When Mayor Pete said he “Wants to spread the starfish,” it might involve a beach, but it’s got nothing to do with oceans.

  2. We wouldn’t need a blue deal if the greenies would have been concentrating an good old fashioned pollution instead of CO2 emissions & “global warming” in the first place.

  3. “If we let the democrats keep going with one upmanship they might bring back the capital punishment for us.”

    That’s part of their agenda. But only for Conservatives. And that’s what you would be guilty of. Being Conservative.


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