SITREP on Fox News Settlement to Dominion – IOTW Report

SITREP on Fox News Settlement to Dominion

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87 Comments on SITREP on Fox News Settlement to Dominion

  1. ^^^^^ Exact fucking actly. This is Paul Ryan and company legitimizing voter fraud to the highest level. Stop and think of the implications of this settlement, particularly since FOX should have easily skated to victory. FOX is the most dangerous network around for freedom loving Americans. Fuck them, fuck Paul Ryan, and fuck any Presidential candidate Paul Ryan endorsed. I’m done.

  2. I see the conspiracy is strong with this thread.
    I would expect as much from the usual suspects.

    Some dummies don’t realize that the MSM WANTED A TRIAL SO BAD, in order to PROVE to the 57%+ of Americans that didn’t trust the 2020 election that “see, the election wasn’t stolen.”

  3. MSM wanted Dominion to MAKE Fox News apologize on air.
    Fox News did mention the settlement but did not disclose the amount.

    Of course the MSM wanted them to pay the full 1.6 billion, after a year of a show trial with a biased judge & jury that the MSM could frame as the 2020 election being the fairest in American history.

  4. “Also, President Trump endorsed Paul Ryan.

    Have you ever noticed how Paul Ryan resigned mid term, you dumb fuck? Who do you think was responsible for that. You’re a 2D thinker. You should stop running your dumb ass mouth. Sorry, this story has me lit, and I saw it coming. Anything for the greater good I guess.

  5. Loco, I think you’re in the midst of dealing with a case of BITDS, which is Brad Induced Trump Derangement Syndrome. This can be treated but it requires an open mind and possibly a couple shots of tequila.

  6. Speaking of trials, Trump’s sexual assault case starts next week. With any planning, and you can bet the dems have planned this out perfectly, Trump will be in court defending himself for the next two years, all part of the plan.

  7. Brad, you are really too dense to realize that the MSM was using the trial to make their case that the election wasn’t stolen?
    A jury win would have done that for their agenda.

    Damn, sentient thought is once again eclipsed by conspiracy theory.

  8. Back to the original topic. I’m wondering if Fox settling without going to trial makes all of the other litigants that I mentioned above nervous and more willing to settle themselves?

    Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani have fallen off the face of the Earth, laying low. I still see Mike lindell hocking his pillows but he hasn’t talked about election fraud in at least 6 months, that I could find anyway.

  9. Does anyone believe that the Fox settlement is an indication and acknowledgment that there was no election fraud in 2020? The way I see it is that Fox has completely sold out to the Deep State machine, and will ultimately be rewarded for doing so. And Rich, you’re right, this absolutely jeopardizes the other cases coming up. It’s part of the deal.

  10. Rich Taylor

    Stop me when I’m wrong Rich. Your career civil servant. Married rich so your set. But board out of your mind and consider yourself quite the word smith. Ill bet money you’ve approached management here asking to write for them. Problem is, your a dumb ass with limited real world experience. All you have is your extremely insulated take on how things should be. Go get your dumb ass a job in the private sector, an education, and then get back to me. Mean while, stay the fuck out of my foxhole. Keep insulting me and lets see how far we can escalate this.

  11. I’ll try and explain this again.
    MSM, MSNBC/CNN et al agenda for the Fox News vs Dominion Voting Co.:

    Fox News is cast in a show trail with a biased judge & jury.
    Months of high intrigue with Fox talent forced to take the stand.
    Personal emails disclosed.
    Embarassing truths exposed.
    No actual voter fraud PROVEN. PROVEN*
    Fox News dragged through the mud with 24/7 coverage that eclipses everything but anti-Trump & anti-DeSantis news.
    A year of this shit.
    A guilty/liable verdict comes in after 0.00007 hours of deliberation.
    Fox News is forced to pay 1.6 Billion Dollars.
    MSM spends the next year prior to 2024 declaring that the VERDICT PROVED THAT THE 2020 WAS THE FAIREST ELECTION IN AMERICAN HISTORY.
    MSM says Fox News is a threat to democracy and demands biden* use an executive order to SHUT THEM DOWN.

    You motherfuckers are welcome…

  12. Brad, if you had even one ounce of self-awareness you would realize that it is you that always throws down first. I think you’re mad because I defend myself and you don’t like it. No, I don’t want to spar with you, I don’t want to spar with anybody here since we are or should be of like mines. But if you want to act all butt hurt because somebody fought back from one of your attacks, that’s on you.

  13. Anon, Ryan is one of 10 on the board that meet a couple times a year at a resort to play golf and get drunk.
    Other than that he does shit for Fox News.
    Don’t be another dumbass conspiracy nut like Brad.
    If you think Paul Ryan tells Rupert Murdoch anything but “yes sir” then there is no hope for you.

  14. I was a bit long winded above so let me simplify.

    MSM wanted Fox News to lose in a court of law, thus PROVING* that they lied about the election being stolen.

    MSM Headlines:
    “2020 Election WAS NOT STOLEN, jury concludes”

    Simple as that, they NEED a compliant, trusting electorate in 2024.

  15. Sorry, Jeffery (he’s the village idiot at Pirate’s Cove) Saltine, they’re not getting it. As always, you spout the party line and betray yourself with it.

    But thanks for reminding all and sundry that all the “you know this is a diversion” stuff is the diversion.

  16. Loco

    Your analysis was thorough and accurate. But here is the kicker for me ,”Embarrassing truths exposed.”

    Through the discovery process or good old-fashioned investigative work, Dominion got a hold of either emails or texts from the heavy hitters at Fox exposing some damning and uncomfortable truths, truths which Fox prefers to keep secret.

    These truths could be anything from Hannity or Tucker saying they think Sydney Powell is a certifiable nutjob, all the way to actual collusion in reshaping the narrative by not reporting facts they knew to be true.

    A settlement, although very costly, keeps these secrets buried.

  17. the fix is in fo sho

    i posted this on the should the ny post sue cnn thread the other day
    “Fox News just gave Dominion and the deep state $787.5 million to rig 2024.
    A deep state rigging org did a $787M wealth transfer to a deep state election rigging org, while also appearing to help boost the legitimacy of current elections 1.5 years before the 2024 election cycle … thus giving all parties invested in the system “ammo” to use in claiming election fraud has been debunked … and also giving all news orgs fresh reason to ban talking about it?”

    my hubby posted this on fb, the article linky & his comment were taken down immediately

  18. They were ALL in on the election steal. Does anything about FOX surprise you after they called AZ so early on for Joe? Remember folks there are trillions at stake and Donald would bring jobs and manufacturing of all goods back to America that our Pedo Lizard Overlords worked so hard to outsource overseas. The fact that Fox settled shows that the 2024 fix is a done deal**.

    What is telling about Faux is that their Max Headroom bobble-heads haven’t come out yet with a story to polish that turd and that includes the most machiavellian of them all Cucker Carlson. They are testing the political waters right now.

    This was all pre-planned and it was a way to “legit” fund Dominion with nearly a billion dollars so they could carry out their lawsuits against OAN, Newsmax, Mike Lindell, Sydney Powel et. al. Dominion’s war chest is now overflowing and the Uniparty didn’t even have to divert any of the money they have been laudering thru Ukraine and other tax payer provided sink-holes to fund them.

    Boycott all of the Murdoch empire. You can watch Faux thru a lens to see how they are crafting the narrative like one does MSNBC, CBS, ect but I would NOT accept anything they say as gospel.

    ** The fix is in and if this doesn’t prove that the fight should be 100% about ballots and not votes then we are truly doomed. Rallies don’t matter, remember Biden’s? Votes don’t matter, they stopped couting for days to print ballots. Debates don’t matter, Katie Hobbs didn’t have even one, quality of candidates doesn’t matter they elected a dead guy and also put Fetterman in. It is all about the ballots and who counts them. I wish Trump would put as much effort into combating voter fraud as he does doing rallies.

  19. Man, I do love some good fiction!
    You guys with your conspiracy theories, please keep it up.

    I have a couple of quick questions though:
    1) If Fox News didn’t call Arizona early for biden* would Trump have won AZ and the presidency?
    2) Why did it take five more days for Arizona to declare biden* the winner if Fox News’ call of a biden* victory was so critical?
    3) Did Trump ultimately win AZ?
    4) If not, wasn’t Fox News actually CORRECT in their call?

  20. Bwahahaha, ur a riot, of course AZ was going to be called for Biden all along but calling it early meant people wouldn’t stand in line and vote anymore making he steal easier, i.e. less votes to print up.

    Right now Faux is in their bunker with the Dominion story testing the political waters just like DeSantis stayed in his bunker for 5 days sniffing the political waters before commenting on the Mar a Largo raid. Such a typical Rovian republican. Yep DeSantis a Karl Rove product thru and thru.

  21. I know it is not lonely in your world with all the voices going off in your head but it sure is sad and pathetic. I had family and friends call me standing lines in Maricopa county to vote when it was called. People were pissed.

  22. DeSantis is tanking in the polls, does not have grass root supporters like Don and is a GOPe construct thru and thru just look at his donor block. I think it is the soft tones and pastels Ron uses that has lured LBS to the GOPe. Ron is hard on social issues but soft on the economy just like his donors want him to be. No coindince of course that the Murdoch ran HarperCollins advanced Ron 2 mill on a book deal.

  23. @Anonymous

    A few questions for you. Given that, according to most of the polls out there now, Biden’s approval rating is 10 points higher than Trump’s (with ALL registered voters) and that just over 2/3 of these registered voters do not think Trump deserves a second term and will not be voting for him, how do you see Trump winning the general?

    We have all pretty much conceded that Trump will be the nominee, the Democrats and their brilliant attempt to persecute Trump in the court of public opinion have seen to that. So, OK, Trump is the guy, fine, please show me the path by which he will get a second term.

    Is your answer,”Well, those numbers will change”, how? Aside from the Trump base, which is just a percentage of registered Republicans, and there are about 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans, where do you see these magic numbers coming from?

    I posed this same question to another Trump sycophant here but he has an annoying habit of dodging questions that are too hard for him. Would you like to take a crack at it?

  24. From NPR: “Just before midnight on the East Coast on election night, Fox News called Arizona for Democrat Joe Biden.”

    So, 10PM in Arizona (I don’t believe they do the time change, could be 9PM) people were still in line when the polls had closed at 7PM?
    And thus Fox News had access to broadcast speakers to the “countless millions” still in line and told them to go home?
    That is a quantum reach worthy of Stephen Hawking.


  25. Anon, no, DeSantis won’t be president in 2024.
    I can guarantee that as well.
    Bet you a million bucks!
    biden* or the Kackler will be.
    DeSantis will still be governor of Florida and living rent-free in your & Brad’s heads.
    Thanks for playing.

  26. Thanks for proving my point. Yes it was obvious from the beginning that they are going to suspend or change the law. Just like it is obvious that Fox is in the bag for whomever the uniparty picks. Like a CTH famously says “once you can see the marionette strings it is impossible to unsee them.”

  27. Nobody proved your incoherent point.
    No way would they require DeSantis to step down to run for president.
    Nor should they.
    It’s a dumb rule/law that would only hurt Floridians.
    I hear plenty of DeSantis bashing on Fox News so please try again.

  28. In an effort to humble loco and spare myself having to witness another victory dance, I will no longer be a part of this thread and its inexorable march to 100. I’m feeling a bit fragile today.

  29. Loco, I know you enjoy being a jackass. I sometimes do as well. The fact is when you talk in circles you can defend yourself from many angles. You still have a ways to go to get to 100.

  30. joe6, I wrote this regarding your earlier post:

    joe6: “Nobody beats the TRAITOROUS BASTARDS until elections become honest!”

    Loco: “Rich, the midterms should have been a bloodbath.
    Even if it gets much, much worse, I believe joe6 is correct.”

    Not very ambiguous…

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