Six Degrees of Separation: Clinton Edition – IOTW Report

Six Degrees of Separation: Clinton Edition

CDN: In politics, everyone plays the deadly Six Degrees of Clinton Separation.

WASHINGTON: It started in 1994 after prolific actor Kevin Bacon told Premiere magazine he had “worked with everybody in Hollywood or someone who’s worked with them.” And so began the parlor game called Six Degrees of Keven Bacon, which proffers that any Hollywood actor is a mere six persons removed from the “Footloose” star. That game can also be played on the political, vs Hollywood, stage. Only its Six Degrees of Clinton separation and the game is deadly.

An uncanny trail of death

But it appears there’s another parlor game, slightly less tasteful, known as Six Degrees of Clinton Separation.

The tragic death of celebrity chef, author and bon vivant host of CNN’s “Parts Unknown,” Anthony Bourdain, is such a case. And while the game is speculation, the coincidences, particularly the Starbucks murders, is chilling. But as far as we know its all just coincidence. Or is it?  MORE

9 Comments on Six Degrees of Separation: Clinton Edition

  1. Who’s next on the Clinton crime foundations hit list? I wouldn’t want anything to do ever with these 2 criminals. Is barry (and the deplorables in 2016 for not voting for her) on their list somehow or another for usurping their 2nd chance at power in 2008 for winning and beating her. And who’s blackmailing who and who holds the trump card at being the most evil? My bets on the Clintons, barry was a Manchurian candidate used by the left to further their totalitarian ambitions.

  2. Lazlo’s six degrees of separation from Hilary the Hideous One:
    1. Eighteen inches of thermal insulation made from millions of pictures of President Donald Trump
    2. The walls of a shipping container (complete with internal habitat and life support for twelve years)
    3. Four feet of reinforced plastic concrete mix
    4. Six inches of lead shielding
    5. Eighteen feet of fusion powered Rocket engine (on the back end)
    6. An ever expanding distance of space measured in hundreds of kilometers a minute

  3. If Hillary Clinton was found hanging from her doorknob by her bathrobe sash, you can bet your ass they’d be looking at everything but suicide. Even though a terminally ill woman who can’t get over her biggest loss after two years is a perfect candidate for suicide.

    Now I’m wondering what Steven Paddock had on the murderous bitch.


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