Six Reasons For Conservatives To Be Optimistic In 2022 – IOTW Report

Six Reasons For Conservatives To Be Optimistic In 2022

BSC: In this installment of their weekly Sunday Six conversation, PF Whalen and Parker Beauregard of The Blue State Conservative discuss six reasons for those of us on the right to be optimistic as the new year begins.

#6: America’s cultural ‘center’ is shifting to the right.

PF: The future of our country will be decided by one group: the ideological center. The majority of the country is locked in with their ideology. Those on the hard left will vote for anyone and anything with a “D” on the ballot, and conservatives are almost as loyal to the Republicans, even though we sometimes view them as the lesser of two evils. The independent, moderate voters make up approximately 20% of the electorate, and they’re the ones that decide in which direction the country goes.

During their fiery but mostly peaceful social justice riots in 2020, the left thought they had won the culture war, but they didn’t. For Black Lives Matter – the organization, not the sentiment – a recent poll by Civiqs, which is a very left-leaning polling outfit, showed the approval rating for BLM down to just 44%, a significant drop from their highs last year. But it’s not just BLM and the other race-baiters on the left for which public opinion is shifting. more here

9 Comments on Six Reasons For Conservatives To Be Optimistic In 2022

  1. I like these guys at BSC but too many times I think to myself ,”What are these guys smoking?”

    #6- “The future of our country will be decided by one group: the ideological center.”

    Correct, but the leftest culture/Hollywood/academia/ and the corporate media holds sway over this group and ply’s influence at every election cycle. The authors even contradict themselves with this ,” I have bemoaned many times in my writing how most of my closest friends are nice Minnesotans who haven’t got a clue what happens once they color in their circles for the person with a (D) behind their name.” Why do they think this will change?

    “#4: The Judicial Branch of government is serving as an effective bulwark against leftist tyranny from the other two branches.”

    Really? They were worthless in hearing the half dozen legitimate challenges to the last presidential election. I don’t know how anybody can have any confidence at all in SCOTUS standing up to “leftist tyranny”.

    “#3: We are entering an election year.”

    So. The mechanisms for fraud and abuse, the ones that cast doubt into the legitimacy of the last election, they are all still in place. Why will the next election be any different?

    “#2: Young conservatives in government far outshine young leftists; our future is bright.”

    Boy, I wish that was true, but “The Squad” would beg to differ. Since academia is training, as we speak, a new crop of socialist anti-cop CRT spouting ANTIFA loving tyrannical big government embracing recruits, expecting the old commies to die out is a fool’s errand.

    “#1: Because what other choice do we have?”

    Desperation or campaigning on ,”We aren’t those guys” does not inspire or persuade. If the GOP can’t provide a message touting the bed-rock principals of individual freedom, smaller government, autonomy over our health decisions, agency in our own economic freedoms to prosper, and the need for concrete definable borders to protect its citizens, if they can not articulate these into a cogent uplifting message, then they deserve to get their asses kicked time and time again.

  2. *tee hee!*

    G’head, count those unhatched chickens, “conservatives”!

    Hey, I count stuff and I’m still around!

    Want me to help you count?

    Just put all your counts on a ballot and give them to me.

    I’ll let you know what the *giggle!* total is in a day or two, I promise…

  3. Be as optimistic as you can, hope for the best, plan for the worse, for the Democrats will still cheat. They’ve got it down and no court or Federal Attorney General will do anything to stop it.


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