Sketchy Mueller Sentence Recommendation For Papadopoulos Plea Likely 30 Days Incarceration – IOTW Report

Sketchy Mueller Sentence Recommendation For Papadopoulos Plea Likely 30 Days Incarceration

Conservative Treehouse: In a late Friday submission to the court (full pdf below) Special Counsel Robert Mueller has presented a sentencing memo recommending 30 days jail for George Papadopoulos. The basic charge against Papadopoulos was lying about the timing and substance of his meeting with Maltese professor Joseph Misfud.

Misfud is the professor who allegedly told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos that the Russians had emails related to the Clinton campaign. The FBI says it opened its Crossfire Hurricane investigation on July 31st, 2016, after Papadopoulos relayed that information to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, and the Australians tipped off U.S. authorities.  However, HPSCI Chairman Devin Nunes refutes this origination claim.

Almost everything about the origination narrative stands without evidence. Quite the contrary both Misfud and Downer have given statements that directly contradict the popular origination pitched by the media. The DOJ and FBI have never given an actual explanation as to what evidence existed to originate the Crossfire Hurricane operation. Everything is media supposition. Thus, everything remains sketchy – including everything surrounding the plea agreement between Robert Mueller and George Papadopoulos.

Within the DOJ’s July 28, 2017 Affidavit and/or the October 5, 2017 Statement of the Offense there is no mention of the meeting between Papadopoulos and Downer. However, there is a portion of the offense where Papadopoulos is cited as mentioning “thousands of emails” in his FBI Interview regarding his April 26th, 2016 meeting with Mifsud.

Unfortunately, it appears the narrative of the meeting content comes from the FD-302 interview notes of FBI agent Peter Strzok who is known to have fabricated the content of his interview notes to support his own investigative agenda.  Recently Papadopoulos, through his wife, has indicated a possible withdrawal of his plea.    So who knows…  more here


6 Comments on Sketchy Mueller Sentence Recommendation For Papadopoulos Plea Likely 30 Days Incarceration

  1. “…The basic charge against Papadopoulos was lying about the timing and substance of his meeting with Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud.”

    A thousand IOTW rubles to whoever can tell me where Joseph Mifsud is. Not a damned person in the media knows, nor do they care.


  2. Dan Bongino is doing an excellent job following this case and other details on his show. I understood Papadopoulos’ lawyer demanded a discovery release of all information Mueller had, right after Strozk was fired.

    Free podcasts are available.


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