Skunk-Like Bicycle Lock Sprays Thieves with Vomit-Inducing Gas – IOTW Report

Skunk-Like Bicycle Lock Sprays Thieves with Vomit-Inducing Gas


The aptly-named SkunkLock is an ingenious bicycle lock that blasts would-be thieves with a disgusting cocktails of chemicals that most of the time causes them to vomit uncontrollably.

ew little girl face

When San Francisco-based Daniel Idzkowski learned that over 1.5 million bikes are being stolen across the United States, every year, he decided it was up to him to come up with a more efficient means of theft prevention. After six months of work, he came up with the SkunkLock, a hollow steel U-lock system which houses presurized noxious chemical deterrent that’s even detectable through some of the most advanced gas masks. The proprietary formula, known as D_1, was developed by Idzkowski and his partner Yves Perrenoud, and is perfectly legal.

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10 Comments on Skunk-Like Bicycle Lock Sprays Thieves with Vomit-Inducing Gas

  1. That’s great idea. I hate skunk. When one of my dogs gets skunked, they are outside dogs for days. Skunk is even worse then when they roll around in maggot infested carcasses.

    And this

    “…vomit uncontrollably.”

    Ahh, vomiting is pretty much always uncontrollable. When ya gotta vomit, you vomit. Have you ever felt that soon to vomit feeling and said, yaknow, I think I’ll wait till later? And succeeded??

  2. Not really Vietvet. The smell goes away. Even a real skunk is only temporary.

    I’m not sure so sure it’s that much of a deterrent anyway. Add some red dye to it and you might convince me to try it out. Personally, I have found the best theft deterrent to be driving a piece of crap. Never had to lock up the Schwinn Sting Ray of mine that the handle bars swung down loosely. No one wanted to steal that one. Found it in an alley not long after my shiny new Mr Buzz Bike was stolen and I only had it a few weeks before it was gone.

    Riding without hands on that one looked pretty strange as they swung below the frame while you pedaled.

    Good times.

  3. Somehow, I love the idea. I’m too old for bicycling, caused by back problems. I remember when I was a kid living in the country with skunks, if you were unfortunate enough to get sprayed, and old wives cure was to bathe in tomato juice. I’m glad I missed the need for that.

  4. A week back the local news reported an epidemic of thefts of expensive bicycles on the east side of the capitol city. Could it be coincidence that the State Capitol is also on the east side? It does attract a lot of people with low moral standards.

    Anyway, the Skunk Lock would find an eager market here.
    Shame they didn’t put some kind of Pink or Lime colored spray that would mark the thief. Would stick to skin for at least 3 days before it could be persuaded to come off with adequate vigorous scrubbing.

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