Slate: Juanita Broaddrick’s Rape Allegations Against Bill Clinton ‘Credible’ – IOTW Report

Slate: Juanita Broaddrick’s Rape Allegations Against Bill Clinton ‘Credible’

Breitbart: Slate magazine has run a column suggesting that Juanita Broaddrick’s accusation of rape against Bill Clinton are “credible,” but Broaddrick goes too far in claiming that Hillary Clinton tried to keep her quiet about the alleged sexual assault.

Michelle Goldberg, in a piece titled “Juanita Broaddrick’s Rape Allegations Are Credible. Her Attacks on Hillary Clinton Are Not,” says that although there may be truth to Broaddrick’s claims regarding Bill Clinton, “far less credible, however, is Broaddrick’s claim that Hillary Clinton tried to intimidate her into silence.”  MORE

4 Comments on Slate: Juanita Broaddrick’s Rape Allegations Against Bill Clinton ‘Credible’

  1. … annnnnnd water is wet!

    “Juanita Broaddrick’s Rape Allegations Against Bill Clinton ‘Credible’”
    Cuz it happened.
    It happened to her and dozens of others.
    It is an undeniable, demonstrable pattern throughout the years of Bill Clinton being in power.

  2. She throws Bill under the bus saying, yeah, he probably raped her but no way our gal, yaknow, actually threatened Juanita. It was so caus, just some friendly girl talk.

    These fucking media assholes need to step out of their neck deep bullshit holes for a moment and look at the trail of drek they leave behind.

    I read an account of the meet up Bill had with the ATTORNEY GENERAL!!!! of our country and she broke out in a sweat when “Bill made small talk about golf and grandchildren and [former Attorney General] Janet Reno, and he kept at it for nearly a half-hour. It didn’t make any difference what they talked about; all he wanted to do was send a message to everyone at Justice and the FBI that Hillary had the full weight of the Clinton machine, the Democratic Party, and the White House behind her.”(from the story in the NY Post)

    Same deal, no outright threats, just along the lines of, “nice AG Position ya got there, be a shame…”

    They’re both fucking scumbags and they know Trump isn’t one to be cowed. He turned her into a stuttering mess and Bill looked like he saw himself in an orange jumpsuit.

  3. we will see on 11/8 if the American electorate also thinks it’s credible and pertinent.

    if the American electorate thinks it’s credible and elect Trump, will all the msm and their pundits finally admit it too?

    let’s not hold out breath.

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