Slate Whines That New Orleans Teachers Are Too White – IOTW Report

Slate Whines That New Orleans Teachers Are Too White

Hayride: Unfortunately, we are not making that up. Slate actually published an article today claiming that New Orleans teachers were too white and too out of town.

After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans’s mostly black teaching corps were fired. Also at the time, the Orleans Parish Public Schools were among the worst in the nation so that was overdue.

Now the charter schools and Teach for America, which have largely replaced the Orleans Parish School Board, are struggling to find more black teachers. The vast majority of students in the charter schools in New Orleans are black so that makes sense.

However, Slate says that the charter schools are hiring mostly white teachers at the expense of largely black teachers. The proposed solution appears to be to bring back the same teachers who failed pre-Katrina.


14 Comments on Slate Whines That New Orleans Teachers Are Too White

  1. Slate is just doing their part to distract the country from the real issues. Economy in a slump, Hillary’s scandals, Obama’s crimes, Bill Clinton scandals, Bernie’s sanity, Hillary’s acts of treason, billions of dollars missing on Hillary’s watch as SoS, the middle east wars, China’s belligerence, Russia’s military build up, Bill and Hillary’s millions of profit for selling uranium to Russia. Yep, I’m worried about N’Arlins having too many white teachers.

  2. Charter schools bring competition into play. The best teachers get hired, because if the kids can’t learn, the parents move ’em elsewhere.

    “Et tu, teachers’ unions!”

  3. One of the main reasons Katrina was so devastating was that black mayor Ray Nagin and his “Chocolate City” cohorts squandered all the Mardi Gras money they brought in on things other than emergency preparedness like most cities their size. Guess it was easier to blame Bush. That seems to be a common theme among certain kinds of people. I guess that’ll be Trump’s mantle now.

  4. SJW Logic:


    1. Racism is believing a person X has a bad trait just because of person X’s race.

    2. Racism is a bad trait.

    3. White is a race.

    4. Non-racists never say racist things.

    5. A non-white person can’t be racist.

    Therefore, non-white person saying “Person X is a racist because person X is white.” is identical to non-white person saying, “Person X has a bad trait because of person X’s race.”, which is, by definition, a racist statement. But since a non-white person said it, it is both racist and non-racist at the same time. Which is a logical impossibility, at least in regards to actual logic.

    It’s standard belief for SJWs though, which is why if sanity is to ever come to our society again, we have to shun and fight SJWs tooth and nail at every turn, or they will destroy logic and, with it, all of civilization, which cannot function without logical reasoning in everyday life.

  5. In order to qualify as a teacher (even in NO) you have to graduate from college. In order to get into college (theoretically) you need to first graduate High School. To graduate HS, you need to show up and do some work. This should explain why Black teachers are few and far between.

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