Sleepy Joe and His Military – IOTW Report

Sleepy Joe and His Military

Pregnant Fighter Pilots?! Biden’s Military Goes WOKE | Louder With Crowder.

10 Comments on Sleepy Joe and His Military

  1. Just like in policing, women want to intrude into some careers where they clearly have no business. How many times have we seen some woman cop attempting to arrest some thug and promptly get her teeth knocked out.
    Common sense dictates that women should hold no position where deadly physical confrontations are a regular occurrence.
    The stupidity continues along.

  2. My gut reaction to this is that our Air Force generals are well aware of the silly nature of this decree by our half-wit, dumber than shit, houseplant preezy to actually get upset over it. They are wise enough to fly under the radar and go along to get along. They all faced the narcist Obama and his contempt against generals so this time around (Obama’s third term) they will just ride out the nonsense with stiff upper lip and wait it out.

  3. …I served with women firefighters and medics back when that was becoming a thing. They tended to be better as medics because of the physicality of firefighting, but they did try. One gal was very enthusiastic, but so small that she couldn’t run an attack line nozzle because the reaction force would knock her back into the next guy, and you wouldn’t want her to have to drag your 200 pound ass in 50 pounds of gear out of a burning building with her 90 pound frame if you got knocked out because, as Monty Python says, it’s a simple question of weight ratios, and because she was little and cute the guys tended to be overprotective of her, so however big her heart was, her size alone made her mostly a liability.

    I served with a big gal too, one of the guy’s wives, and she had the size but wasn’t in great shape, and she always seemed like she was on the verge of a heart attack, but that was more because she wasn’t in great shape than it was she was a woman.

    Woman medics were fine, pretty good in that role actually because it was less physical, but you still had things like 300 pound blind diabetics that got drunk and fell down steep, narrow basement steps during a sickle cell crisis that needed massive manpower to package and move, but you had a fire company full of young men at the other end of the radio that could be called to assist, so it wasn’t THAT big a deal; but sometimes it didn’t meet public expectations.

    One of my trainers was a female Squad captain that was apparently very butthurt in some earlier incident because she used it as a cautionary tale about public interactions. She and her evidently youthful-looking male partner were called to something, I don’t recall what, but I do recall she said when they arrived the man said contemptuously, “I call for help and they send me a woman and a boy”.

    I recall being called everything but a White man at various times and for various reasons on different runs, but I personally never took it to heart (after making a threat assessment) because it was people in pain and they say shit, but evidently this otherwise very good Squad captain was a very sensitive soul who DID, but it never seemed to affect her performance so it’s just one of those sexual differences that can be made to work, but I don’t know how well she slept at night if crap bothered her THAT MUCH.

    …but a difference is that fire is not TRYING to kill anyone. Fire does NOT try to shoot fire trucks down, capture firemen, then rape them and cut out their baby and post it on YouTube as a warning to other firemen.

    Which could well happen to a fighter pilot.

    Plane crews are not treated well after they bomb people if those same people catch them. That’s why they have SERE training.

    And SERE is problematic for a gravid woman, without even getting into other issues like gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, hormonal mood swings, the effects of 3G turns and rocket-assisted bailouts on a developing foetus, and the fact that just the pressure of a near-term baby on the abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava can cause a woman to pass out if she can’t change positions, and I can think of nothing less suited to change positions in than the cockpit of a fighter jet.

    Pregnancy is usually temporary, and should be treated like any OTHER illness that can temporarily disqualify a pilot. Trying to accommodate a pregnant woman is as stupid as letting a man fly right after gall bladder surgery.

    You can take a break for awhile.

    The only reason to try this is if it’s being implemented just to push a feminist agenda by people who have no respect for the military, no understanding of the military, no respect for womanhood or motherhood or understanding of the physical and emotional nature of both, who doesn’t care if people die and missions fail as long as they score woke points, and ultimately people with no understanding of or respect for God and HIS works.

    …I notice that I just described Democrats.

    Not as well as Romans 1 does perhaps, but a good description nonetheless if I do say so myself.

    …so I guess we can see where the REAL problem is…

  4. Has anyone done a head count on the number of pregnant fighter pilots currently in the USAF?

    Is that number actually greater than zero? Because I suspect it may not be.

    If it is zero, then we are literally talking about nothing, and this administration seems like it is all too happy for us to talk about nothing when there is so much something else to talk about.

  5. Lets look a this from a different perspective eliminating gender and race.

    Lebron James is 6 foot 7 inches tall at 245 lbs, a total Jackass, and a crybaby.
    Would he make a great Formula 1 race driver?
    Too Tall, too long, too heavy. Lewis Hamilton 5 foot 9 inches and 160 lbs is much better suited to the cockpit.

    Could he drive the track in a corvette? Probably.

    Fighters like the F-16 are known for a more recumbent seating position, tighter cockpit than an F-18 and any of these planes beat up the pilots quite a bit. (male or Female)

    During pregnancy, we need to avoid beating up the fetus & the women.

  6. Apparently, there are plenty of enlisted jackboots willing to turn their guns on the citizenry as long as the check clears.

    If they aren’t willing to do that, the current leadership is planning to purge them.

    We’ll know soon enough. Antifa is okay. Patriots are marked for discharge.


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