Slip Slidin’ With Biden to Historic New Low: Under 30 Percent Approval – IOTW Report

Slip Slidin’ With Biden to Historic New Low: Under 30 Percent Approval

RedState: When last we left you in the Joe Biden poll watch, two days ago, the Civiqs poll had hit an all-time low of 30 percent, after a slide starting in May 2021 and a deep drop starting in August 2021 after the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle.

But it wasn’t finished at 30 percent. It’s now gone below 30 for the first time, hitting 29 percent approval with 58 percent disapproval

Independent numbers are awful — 19 percent approval and 67 percent disapproval. Hispanics are at 36 percent approval, with 48 percent disapproval.

Democratic approval numbers have also gone south, at 63 percent approval, and jibe with what the Rasmussen poll was showing as well, with 65 percent approval. Numbers below the 80s indicate the Democrats are in big trouble — that there’s a lot of erosion and that’s going to show in November. more

12 Comments on Slip Slidin’ With Biden to Historic New Low: Under 30 Percent Approval

  1. It’s all fake. If we weren’t so lazy as a nation we’d have Sri Lanka’ed this entire administration out of town by now.

    While we wait for that to happen I’ve been working on my card throwing abilities. 7 feet out and 1 foot to the left. 30 out of 52. Anything past that but nearer than 10 feet is super difficult because your throw has to be so restrained. 15 out of 52.
    13 feet away in the corner I can toss 20 plus in the spittoon. Relax, it’s a clean old timey spittoon. Tossing into a top hat is way easier, more forgiving….and doesn’t make a loud KLANK when the edge of the card hits the rim.

    So the actual trick is to place the target where you’re most likely to sink a card. No one else knows where that is so it looks like you’re a card scaling master. For me it’s 10 feet out and 10 inches to the left. As the card spin slows it stops and flutters straight down. Looks cool as all get out. Just have to repeat the throw a billion times until it comes naturally.

    Oh, and my 2nd deal is pretty good. Just not into the deception aspect of cards. I prefer the mechanical skills.

  2. Besides the simple muscle memory developed, you get a feel for the aerodynamics and physics involved. It’s neat to helicopter a card into the spittoon.

    The perfect toss is this dorky unnatural motion. A delicate balance of these weird secondary muscles. Unless you’re whipping a card straight out as far as it can go.

    The other thing I’ve noticed is that I can pick up a pile of cards and can tell within 2 or 3 cards usually how many are in the pile. Freaky. I like rolling coins better. There’s actual solid weight for the finger muscles to work against. These cards are so delicate. Besides throwing them, can’t see much use for them.

  3. ……..this probably looks better on TV…….or unless you shut your eyes really tight and imagine a smoking monkey in a bowler hat tossing cards across a room into a spittoon.

    The whole thing is bananas.

  4. Joe Biden’s approval rating is more like in the low 20%s, especially since his bleached-hair wife recently publicly called hispanics “breakfast tacos”.

  5. Let’s take a look at what this really means:

    Biden – Joe Biden – Highest – 63% Associated Press/NORC Center
    Apr 29th, 2021 – May 3rd, 2021 33% Quinnipiac University
    Jan 7th, 2022 – Jan 10th, 2022

    Trump – Highest – Donald Trump 49% McLaughlin & Associates
    Mar 20th, 2019 – Mar 24th, 2019 LOWEST – 29% Pew Jan 8th, 2021 – Jan 12th, 2021

    Obummer – Highest 76%- CNN Feb 7th, 2009 – Feb 8th, 2009 – Lowest 37% Gallup Organization Sep 8th, 2011 – Sep 11th, 2011

    The worse – drum roll – he started high and ended low:

    George W. Bush HIGHEST – 92% ABC News Oct 8th, 2001 – Oct 9th, 2001 LOWEST – 19% American Research Group Feb 16th, 2008 – Feb 19th, 2008

    Looks like the worse ratings came from the Republicans – Trump and Bush. The media will start harping about what party had the lowest rating of Presidents. Both Bushes ended up with approval ratings under 30.

    What do polls really mean? They’re skewed…

  6. UPDATE:

    5 feet away is ridiculously tough to make. Sounds counter intuitive but I can’t throw a card that close with any spin. Start 6 or 7 feet out.

    Also….don’t use a spittoon. Trash can or hat. My 9 year had cold fury in her eyes when I woke her up with the repeated KLANG off the rim of the spittoon.


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