Slow-to-catch-on leftists discover that ‘equity-language guides’ are empty ‘gestures’ – IOTW Report

Slow-to-catch-on leftists discover that ‘equity-language guides’ are empty ‘gestures’

American Thinker:

By Olivia Murray

George Packer is a high-profile leftwing journalist, and in a rather groundbreaking essay published at The Atlantic yesterday, Packer made a “moral” case against the constant sanitation of language in pursuit of a perpetually moving goalpost.

Apparently the Sierra Club’s new “equity-language guide” was the straw that broke Packer’s back. He notes that the affection and predilection for these “guides” has surpassed the boundaries of the absurd, and although he believes the intentions were “utopian,” the guides are indicative of a broken culture where “symbolic gestures” mean more than “concrete actions” (we call this “virtue-signaling” Mr. Packer).

Finally! What took you so long?!

Several things stood out to me about Mr. Packer’s essay….

The first being the obvious: I never thought I’d see the day when leftists, in a mainstream outlet which constantly finds itself in lockstep with the establishment no less, would denounce the emptiness of “inclusive” and “atoning” language-cleansing demands. Packer, a leader in the editorial and political sphere, recognizes that the ideology to which he subscribes has created an absolute minefield. Oops! I’m not supposed to say that! As the Sierra Club alleges, the term “disrespect[s] veterans”. Read one of Packer’s opening paragraphs below: more

2 Comments on Slow-to-catch-on leftists discover that ‘equity-language guides’ are empty ‘gestures’

  1. The term “minefield” disrespects veterans?
    Only when spoken by ignorant empty headed SJW virtue signaling Libtard.
    To those who were there, no explanation is necessary.
    To those who WEREN’T there, no explanation is enough.
    So, keep the conversation short, and respectful.


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