‘Small-town florist’ warns: ‘Gay’ art mandate threatens ‘everyone’ – IOTW Report

‘Small-town florist’ warns: ‘Gay’ art mandate threatens ‘everyone’

WND: Don’t kid yourself: The government that gives itself the authority to order a “small-town florist” to advocate a message that violates her faith isn’t going to be satisfied with controlling one “small-town florist.”

That’s the warning from Washington state entrepreneur Barronelle Stutzman as the state Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments in her discrimination case on Tuesday.

She was penalized by the state for declining to promote a homosexual wedding through her floral artistry.

The state Supreme Court last winter agreed to hear the case in a terse note signed by Barbara Madsen, the chief justice.

The Alliance Defending Freedom, which is defending Stutzman in court, explained a lower court ordered her to pay penalties and attorneys’ fees “for declining to use her artistic abilities to design custom floral arrangements for a longtime customer’s same-sex ceremony.”

The lower courts ruled that not only was Stutzman liable as a business operator, but her personal assets and property also were at risk.

Stutzman had referred the customer, Rob Ingersoll, to several other florists who would provide him with quality products and services.
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21 Comments on ‘Small-town florist’ warns: ‘Gay’ art mandate threatens ‘everyone’

  1. Trump needs to fill the empty seat on the SCOTUS as one of his first actions upon assuming the big seat. With luck, Ginzberg will retire or pass away and he can fill a second seat. Both need to be filled by youngish, conservative constitutionalists in order for Trumps programs to stand the inevitable liberal court challenges.

  2. “…ordered her to pay penalties and attorneys’ fees “for declining to use her artistic abilities to design custom floral arrangements for a longtime customer’s same-sex ceremony.”

    Oh yeah, he was a long time customer of hers. And she wasn’t a homophobic, evil bitch the whole time until JUST THAT SECOND, right?


  3. Same goes for the bakery that shut down. The gay couple who got refused a cake were customers for years, too. They ate food that those ‘homophobes’ made and spoke to them kindly without any hesitation. But suddenly at that moment they were evil evil people!!11!! *flounces on daybed*.


  4. “If these people aren’t either institutionalized or euthanized”

    The people that hope to be told they have the winning ticket when they fill it out and hand it to the people that pay themselves for doing this?

    Or the people that pay themselves for doing this?

  5. Barronelle’s business, Arlene’s Flowers, is in the next town over from me. Ever since this went viral, I have patronized her business for flowers every chance I get. They are very nice people, and I hope she wins this court case.

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