Smartmatic CEO Introduced Bill Gates at Global Citizen Conference in June 2015 – IOTW Report

Smartmatic CEO Introduced Bill Gates at Global Citizen Conference in June 2015

Gateway Pundit-

A photo resurfaced on Friday night of Smartmatic CEO introducing creepy Bill Gates at the Global Citizen Conference in June 2015.

The Global Citizen is a globalist social justice organization aimed at ridding global poverty through socialism.
The organization includes the support of prominent leftist leaders including Bill Gates, the Obamas and Pope Francis.

In 2015 Smartmatic CEO Antonio Mugica introduced Bill Gates at the Global Citizen conference.

Antonio Mugica is a former Chavez lackey and is the founder and CEO of Smartmatic voting systems. read more

11 Comments on Smartmatic CEO Introduced Bill Gates at Global Citizen Conference in June 2015

  1. don’t forget- little billy gates is the man that brought us ‘common core’ math. It will take at least a generation to climb out of that pit.
    no wonder, that they almost got away with their razzle dazzle ballot shenanigans.
    he needs an algorithm.

  2. The Fly-
    Society has a weird hang up about women.
    They are soft and cuddly and take care of children and society and buuuuull shit! Some of the most twisted, criminal, warring, traitorous people in history are women. Shit, there are women who purposely get pregnant (Some even give birth) just to kill their infant.


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