Sméagol plays the Woman Card – IOTW Report

Sméagol plays the Woman Card

Patriot Retort: Yesterday, in an effort to once again deflect from her own abject failures, Chicago Mayor Sméagol Lightfoot pulled out the old Woman Card – thereby putting an end to the rumors that Sméagol is a genderless goblin. Since only a female can play the Woman Card.

Ah, yes.  Trump’s focus on these crime-ridden cities has nothing to do with the fact that they are crime-ridden and everything to do with attacking women mayors because he’s big old misogynist.

It has absolutely nothing to do with murder rates skyrocketing or violent riots.

Nope.  It’s because these incompetent mayors are all women. more here

34 Comments on Sméagol plays the Woman Card

  1. Someday, possibly, but probably not she will come to terms to the fact that she just is basically dumb. She has reached her position because she is a woman and black…..The MVR is missing another Smeagol….

  2. Cortez did the same thing on the floor of Congress today.

    Crying, that the ‘big bad Republican WHITE conrgressMAN’ said not nice things to her!!

    IF you can’t take the heat, go back to the dam fucking bar.

    What an asswipe,so much for ‘feminism’ and being strong, and what a joke, but a real threat to the Republic.

  3. @Dianny – I’m not sure that Smeagol, a former hobbit, is a good analogy. I think most people had a sympathetic feeling towards Smeagol, his eventual madness was not really his fault.

    I have ZERO sympathy for people like…her. She and people like her? They have NO excuse.

    Oh, and thanks for the work that you do!


  4. I wonder if any of these libtard politicians have any clue how fast their house of cards would fall if the press stopped acting a political hacks and began to treat these incompetent fools as the next possible Pulitzer?

    The Democrat party would fold faster than France did to the Nazi’s in ’40.

  5. Smeagol was the Man. We know where he came from, a place called the Shire, this freak is, whatever, I’m not quite sure what she is or where she’s from, she kind of reminds me of an Orc’s grandmother, or may a sister?

  6. @Anymouse – you nailed it for me. I never did see Beetlejuice but I did see Edward Scissorhands and now the fog it clearing.

    She has the same eyes dead eyes.

  7. Let’s review from your link, 99th Squad Leader.


    “Chicago is a disaster. The mayor is saying, ‘don’t come in,’” Trump said, before adding: “I assume she’s saying that for political reasons. She’s a Democrat … she’s making a big mistake. People are dying.”


    “If he cared about cities, if he cared about Chicago, there are meaningful ways that the president could actually help,” Lightfoot said. “Instead, it’s denigrate, divide and disparage. That’s not leadership.”

    He could have just said, “She’s incompetent.” and nailed it. But he’s too nice.


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