Smith’s claim about no hacked election systems could boomerang on him during Trump case – IOTW Report

Smith’s claim about no hacked election systems could boomerang on him during Trump case

JTN: Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Tuesday indictment of former President Donald Trump contends that he knew his claims of election fraud were false and pushed them anyway, but at least one instance Smith cites to make that claim could backfire on him in a big way.

The indictment includes several examples of Trump’s supporters and and officials telling him that his claims were false as evidence that Trump knowingly pursued false claims. Among those instances cited is a statement from Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) that Trump created claiming that no evidence supported claims of compromised voting systems.

“The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (‘CISA’)–whose existence the Defendant signed into law to protect the nation’s cybersecurity infrastructure from attack–joined an official multi-agency statement that there was no evidence any voting system had been compromised and that declared the 2020 election ‘the most secure in American history,'” the indictment reads. “Days later, after the CISA Director–whom the Defendant had appointed–announced publicly that election security experts were in agreement that claims of computer-based election fraud were unsubstantiated, the Defendant fired him.”

Potentially undercutting that example, however, was a federal indictment from roughly a year later accusing a pair of Iranian hackers of successfully hacking into a state computer election system, subsequently stealing voter data, and using that material to intimidate Republican lawmakers. more

14 Comments on Smith’s claim about no hacked election systems could boomerang on him during Trump case

  1. This one tome, some Iranians did some cyber stuff? That’s all they’ve got? I guess it’s better than nothing.

    You’d think there was a pressing need for CISA which caused the deep state—not Trump, he just signed off— to create it. But if that one Iranian exploit is all the “cybersecurity election fraud” that CISA has ever found, then maybe their work is done, and the agency should be abolished. They have other cyber tasks, to be sure, but it sure looks like they’re not very competent at their task, given the regular reports of unimpeded hacking and theft on their watch.

    Or maybe the CISA was created as a clearinghouse and cover for deep state cyber fraud. In that case, their work is vital.

  2. About half of the country’s population can no longer be considered Citizens of these the ‘United States’ as they no longer consider the Constitution to be the supreme law of the land!

  3. Did they ever, only when they twist & try to subvert the very substance of laws. Laws apply to everyone not just a select few who & there are those who only want to pick & chose which laws apply to them. Thats not how it works.

  4. If I were Trump I’d get ready for a vibrant defense of the case and shove the truth up Smith’s ass so far, he starts choking! (Oh, and I’d do it during campaign season so the networks would have to cover it !)

  5. The way to stop POS Jack Smith is to drag him into the Biden impeachment inquiry and ask him why he never investigated any of this while it was his responsibility. In fact he turned a blind I too it. And then charge and jail his ass for what ever the appropriate charges are.
    If our people had their shit together, or cared, that’s what they would be doing right now.

  6. The truth is government systems get constantly hacked. So apparently CISA is just trying to cover for the deep state.

    And anyone that has any clue about hacking is that just because you didn’t detect hacking, doesn’t mean it never occurred.

  7. The reason the CISA director was fired was because he set his boss up and hung him out to dry. He was getting his orders from the deep state, as was Pence and the majority of the Administration.

    Trump’s failure as President was in applying his management style to the presidency. Instead of thoroughly vetting each candidate prior to selection, he lets them hang themselves, then fires them if they do. That takes far too long in government, if it is allowed at all. Tremendous damage can be done by an insubordinate administrator.

    Pence should have been forced to resign as soon as he turned on Flynn. Being successful so early on in Trump’s term (starting with placing Pence as VP), the deep state knew they had him. That he survived to finish a relatively successful term (very successful, in some aspects), despite the many challenges, including himself, is testament to the man’s strengths (that almost counter his weaknesses).

    I will support him, at least until someone else emerges (which doesn’t look likely), but I will continue to be nervous about him.


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