Smuggler Busted with 78 Illegals Locked in Refrigerated Trailer – IOTW Report

Smuggler Busted with 78 Illegals Locked in Refrigerated Trailer

Breitbart: Border Patrol agents in South Texas arrested a human smuggler who allegedly had nearly 80 illegal aliens locked inside a refrigerated tractor-trailer. The driver initially fled from the Border Patrol immigration checkpoint in an attempt to avoid arrest.

Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents assigned to the Interstate 35 checkpoint observed a refrigerated tractor-trailer approaching for inspection on August 11. While agents questioned the driver and his passenger about their citizenship status, a K-9 agent alerted to the possible presence of drug or human cargo in the truck’s trailer, according to information obtained by Breitbart Texas from Laredo Sector officials.

Agents directed the driver to a secondary inspection station. The driver allegedly refused to comply continued driving away from the checkpoint. A chase ensued and the driver eventually stopped a few miles down the road.

Officials said the agents opened the rear of the trailer and found 78 illegal aliens who the driver had allegedly locked inside. The agents evaluated the migrants and determined they were in good health despite being locked inside the cold conditions. more here

12 Comments on Smuggler Busted with 78 Illegals Locked in Refrigerated Trailer

  1. “Questioning of the migrants revealed they came to the U.S. from Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, and Mexico.”

    India? WTF?

  2. What was the truck driver thinking or was he? Considering the large influx of immigrants these days, wouldn’t our border patrol agents open every truck coming into the USA?? Maybe its just me, I’d want every truck opened and checked. But then the Border Patrol is still part of the US government, what was I thinking??? Duh

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