SNAP food stamp benefits will be reduced to pre-pandemic levels on March 1 – IOTW Report

SNAP food stamp benefits will be reduced to pre-pandemic levels on March 1


Food pantries are bracing to feed more hungry people as a key pandemic benefit from the federal government ends.

In March, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program card holders in Illinois will see reductions of $55 to $250 per person, said Man-Yee Lee, spokesperson for the Greater Chicago Food Depository.

The Greater Chicago Food Depository is a food bank that supplies food to more than 700 local food pantries. Two million people in one million Illinois households currently receive SNAP benefits.

In April 2020, after the COVID-19 pandemic emergency was declared, the federal government added bonus dollars to SNAP cards, the taxpayer-funded cash cards that people of certain income levels use to buy groceries. In March, the federal government will return the subsidies to pre-pandemic amounts. MORE

15 Comments on SNAP food stamp benefits will be reduced to pre-pandemic levels on March 1

  1. What the heck? SNAP, free breakfasts and lunches year round, AND food pantries? All on top of the monthly welfare checks. On top of government paid-for [sic] housing!!! This all needs to not just be reduced but end.

    And yeah, I had government cheese growing up.

  2. New normal here in Vegas? Just steal it. My own informal survey of store managers has the uniform answer, shop-lifting is way up.

    The trajectory is obvious. there is a definite “expectation” by the chronic poor that they WILL be taken care of. Will regular grocery stores cease to exist at some high level of theft? One manager told me their normal 93% rate is now 85%, in just one year. What happens at 60 – 70 % ? That is how they evaluate, what percentage of the items are still there at inventory time.

  3. When an entire generation of city dwellers have been taught that everything is free what do you think those “takers” are going to do when the EBT cards stop working? Takers gonna just take it anyway.
    When there is nothing left in the cities? Riot!
    When the cities are destroyed? Move on out to the ‘burbs to take there.
    This will happen in just a matter of days. Not years. Not months. Not weeks.
    Be prepared!

  4. Shop lifting and theft will be way up, because they are entitled to free stuff.
    All of the excuses will be used, but most likely White Supremacy.
    Arizona also has large scale push ins. Where they will follow people home and as they unlock the door the thieves follow.
    All part of the plan, with some more money, they can pretend to fix it.

    America the great country, if you can’t make it in the rat race, you get free cheese.

  5. And what happens when they cut the benefits those same freeloaders will think and say you’re stealing from them, and steal more.
    I predict they lock everything up and we will have to ask a clerk to get anything. Maybe a window where you order online then pay for it and they give you your groceries?
    Being able to undercut the competition because of zero theft.

  6. Uncle Al FEBRUARY 13, 2023 AT 11:29 AM
    In food stores, put up large signs at the exits saying




    So you’re saying you think they can read?


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