Snapchat becomes latest social media platform to permanently ban President Trump – IOTW Report

Snapchat becomes latest social media platform to permanently ban President Trump

Just so you know, Snap Inc. owns Snapchat, Snapchat Spectacles, Bitmoji and Zenly.
I just deleted my Bitmoji app.

Just The News:

Snapchat has become the latest social media platform to permanently ban President Trump’s content.

The platform made the decision Wednesday, according to Politico.

The permanent ban follows Snapchat’s decision to suspend Trump indefinitely after the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol Building that critics say the president incited. 

“In the interest of public safety, and based on his attempts to spread misinformation, hate speech, and incite violence, which are clear violations of our guidelines, we have made the decision to permanently terminate his account,” a company spokesperson said in a statement.

In June, Snapchat haulted halted Trump’s content on the site’s Discover page, which limited his ability to reach other users. more

20 Comments on Snapchat becomes latest social media platform to permanently ban President Trump

  1. When you put everything on the line and lose, you lose everything.

    It doesn’t make any difference how or why you lost, you lost.

    A simple concept most people on the right seem to be having a difficult time understanding.

  2. I’ve never used any of that garbage and never quite understood the big attraction. To me they seem very similar to party line phones from decades ago, no privacy, and worse than that anything said is permanently recorded. Crazy!

  3. “Big Tech can’t cancel my HAM radio.”

    Or a fax machine, or a BBS system.

    And those can be used for very private networks if you wish, ones that are generally unmonitored today.

  4. “When you lose to someone that cheats, it just fills the loser with a terrible resolve for putting things right.”

    And when you find yourself in a hole you get out of it by digging as fast as you can till you reach the other side?

  5. And now Google has bought Fitbit so I guess I will be going back to an old-fashion watch. Sigh. I like technology but I am allowing too many evil people to spy on me.

  6. Irrelevant. I suspect not many freedom loving folks use snapchat. I’ve always thought of individual to individual social media as childish. Oh gee look at what I had for lunch or who I was out with last night.

    Now businesses using FB or snapchat or google broaches sanity. Only because so many other people use it. Effective? I’ve tried it to very limited success. I know a quite a few others that have used it that way with varying results.

    None the less, it must be apparent that we’re a divided country and as far as I can see, it’s irreconcilable. Others have noted hunger is an immediate cluebat, not being able to use snapchat ain’t.

  7. super toe
    JANUARY 15, 2021 AT 11:04 AM

    “…They need us more than we need them.
    Starve the bastards.”

    …that’s not how Communism works, things are different now.

    The State will decide what you need, and take money from you to make it happen.

    They aren’t asking.

    They’re telling.

    …next up, they’ll make it mandatory you watch and post so they can see if there’s any “problem”,

    And your Social Credit Score will reflect that…

  8. @Anonymous.
    You assume that we are all in a hole. There are some among us that know the advantage of remaining idle in our position on the high ground until we are needed.


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