‘Snitches and rats and backstabbers’ — Geraldo Rivera, of all people, sympathizes with Trump – IOTW Report

‘Snitches and rats and backstabbers’ — Geraldo Rivera, of all people, sympathizes with Trump

American Thinker:

Sometimes, the best statement of the obvious comes from the most unexpected corner.

So with the impeachment frenzy, who should step in and state how this all looks to ordinary schmoes but lefty grandstanding commentator Geraldo Rivera himself?

According to the transcript (emphasis mine) on RealClearPolitics — and this Fox News video here:

GERALDO RIVERA (FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT): After listening to the Democrats, they believe that they have it now.

That everything else, Russia collusion, Stormy Daniels, taxes, making money on hotels, and all that. They are going to put everything away and they are going to laser focus on this. This is gonna be what the impeachment is all about, maybe one or two little other things fall in.

So it’s going to be the president of the United States in a conversation that was intercepted by a rotten snitch — I’d love to wap him, but that’s another story.

Imagine this poor president, his whole tenure in office has been marked by snitches, and rats, and backstabbers, it’s amazing how he functions at all.

Even if Rivera is left-wing, that’s a classic working-class way of reading what people must be thinking, noting how the president is constantly surrounded by a nest of snakes, people who are otherwise known as the swamp. From Omarosa Manigault to this new deep state whistleblower, the snakes hiss from all sides. read more

14 Comments on ‘Snitches and rats and backstabbers’ — Geraldo Rivera, of all people, sympathizes with Trump

  1. It isn’t complicated. They’re all just actors, vying for the almighty dollar and whichever media outlet compensates based on who lies the best.

    Juan Williams>NPR>FOX
    Allisyn Camerota>FOX>CNN
    Tucker>MSNBC/CNN>FOX (although he’s my fav)
    Gretchen Carlson>FOX>anyone who’ll have her on
    Glenn Beck>CNN>FOX>his own crazy platform

    I’m sure I’ve omitted a few, but yeah, like DC, media is a cesspool full of bad actors.

  2. I understand what everyone posted before me but he defended Trump, which is something I don’t hear any other liberal doing. And his comments were spot on. I read the linked article and watched the tape and I’m still grateful for what he said. If we second-guess and criticize every unexpected someone who offers a word of support now and then, why would anyone else put themselves out there?

  3. Is he making the argument that American Liberals (i.e., what’s left of old-school Democrats) can come back to some semblance of sanity?

    That would be nice, but I’m not counting on it.

  4. Geraldo is just another johnny come lately trying to stay in the picture. I’m concerned that Trump has been playing golf a lot with perpetual war monger and all around scumbag, Lindsey Graham.

    Maybe it’s a case of keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

    Hope so.

  5. I’d like to think there is a growing block of voters out there that may not like Trump but hate what’s being done to him more. They believe in the American ideal of fair play and see what’s being done to him as a crime against what’s made your country so great. They come from the ranks of moderate Democrats, Undecided, usual Non-Voters and even Never-Trumpers and what is playing out disgusts them not only for the attacks on Trump but on the Presidency itself. They’ll make themselves heard at both the donation box and the ballot box.

  6. Brown Eyed Girl,
    Thank You.
    Love Ya.
    You get it.
    The Snakes and Rats thought they could play in my World.

    BTW Fur,
    When should we expose some of the snakes and rats posting right here? You know. . . the Salty types. The ‘It’ll Never Work’ crowd. The ‘All is Lost’ naysayers. The ‘You have to do it this way’ fakes. The ‘Sky is Falling’ chicken liddles. You can recognize them by their salt spots and scurrying.

    Joy Reid was seriously salty this AM. It was Salty Sweet.


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