Snitches get snitched on in St. Louis – IOTW Report

Snitches get snitched on in St. Louis

Reason: Hundreds of St. Louis citizens who snitched to the government about businesses that defied closure orders are discovering that their messages are not confidential and their identities are subject to sunshine laws. MORE

SNIP: I am so sick of ‘Patricias’, busy-bodies and shadow-fearers.

22 Comments on Snitches get snitched on in St. Louis

  1. From the linked story: “..Patricia (one of the snitchers)…She has personal reasons for being worried about the spread of the coronavirus—she has lupus, and two other people in her home have autoimmune issues, so they’re in a higher health risk category than many others.”

    I thought lupus was one of the primary diseases for which H-chloroquine is frequently prescribed.

    This is a great example of why those at highest risk should self-quarantine.

    Why are there no big stories about Covid19 ripping through homeless encampments where there are so many people who must have tremendous risk for serious illnesses?

  2. “Hey, come on, Soros became a Billionaire by being a snitch for the Nazis.”

    So did Big Data Mike and his NPC Bloomberg APPS

    Soros and Money Market Mike

    One digital bite at a time

  3. I have type 1 diabeeetus and I go out without wearing a mask, gloves, etc. whenever I want, where ever I want.

    Whether I hang out outdoors all day or not, mask or not, I do not have the right to tell anyone not to work or to go get their toes waxed. It’s none of my business.

    If you are afraid, YOU stay the fuck at home.
    If no one is working, that means no food, no services, no taxes being paid.
    That means the world crashes, because it makes the Patricias and the spazzes ‘feel’ better.
    All due respect, y’all can go eat a bag of dicks.

  4. Although I looked briefly, I haven’t been able to find any statistics on how badly COVID-19 has infected the homeless. I would think that this segment of the population would be hardest hit for obvious reasons.

    So far as snitches are concerned, if one is high risk, you need to take control of your own safety. Many years ago, one of my kids was immune suppressed due to cancer treatments; it was our responsibility to take steps to minimize the risk that he would be exposed to disease like chicken pox, which can be deadly to immune suppressed children. But I suspect that many of those calling in violations were just in the “misery loves company” category – I have to stay in, so therefore you do too.

  5. @MJA May 5, 2020 at 4:26 pm

    With all due respect. “It’s none of my business.”?

    People going out. In public. To have other people wax their toes?

    Oh. That’s so naisty!

  6. @Poor Lazlo May 5, 2020 at 4:36 pm

    > Looking for a suitable Tea substitute to be chucked in the Harbor

    @Tony R May 5, 2020 at 4:54 pm

    > Lazlo: how about marijuana?

    You’ve heard of jumping Asian carp? Now, with the munchies?

    Sharknado Shalknado 2020″ Coming to an AMC theater near you! (Maybe 2021. We’ll see.)

  7. @Anonymous May 5, 2020 at 5:43 pm

    > Howdy neighbor! Remember me?

    Anonymous! They didn’t bother you by coming right up to the door! Do the communal thing. According to community standards. (No witnesses.)

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