SNL Skit is Funny When Reframed – IOTW Report

SNL Skit is Funny When Reframed

Here, SNL, we fixed your ISIS skit for you.

Dr. Tar had the idea. I cobbled it together.

15 Comments on SNL Skit is Funny When Reframed

  1. Dr. Tar, I wasn’t minimalizing, it was EXCELLENT. Around my area, you just don’t see a lib without a friggin’ coexist sticker and always expect to see one with the others. Like mixing coexist with, kill conservatives.

    What you guys did was awesome, loved it.

  2. Wait better yet, she puts on a Talit steps out from the car, pulls out her M14 and says surprise you bastids, I’m Jewish and you are about to meet your 72 Helen Thomases!!!

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