Snooty Esquire Uses Insults To Advertise Some Film Service They are Hawking – IOTW Report

Snooty Esquire Uses Insults To Advertise Some Film Service They are Hawking

Look at this condescension:


I’m not a huge Adam Sandler fan, but I don’t think he deserves to be used as the ultimate example of a crap actor, not when you have Tyler Perry, or the Wayans Brothers, running around making their shitfests.

Yes, Sandler has had some bombs. But he’s had some good ones too.

Punch Drunk Love is interesting.

Reign Over Me was pretty good.

Spanglish wasn’t horrible.

Happy Gilmo… okay, so Adam Sandler is not going to get any Academy Awards.

Look at the movies, though, that Esquire has ghosted in the background that they say men shouldn’t go without seeing. (What kind of sexist crap is that?)

Iron Man-  Is that any good? I don’t know, I never saw the whole thing. I guess I’m not a man.

Ghostbusters- I saw it, hardly remember it. Seemed stupid at the time. And is it really a movie “Men Must See!”?

12 Angry Men- Loved this movie when I was 14. I watch it now and it’s obvious the Spanish kid killed his father. Manipulative Lefty crapola.

Blue Brothers- I liked it at the time. Haven’t seen it in 25 years. I think Adam Sandler would have fit right in.

The Godfather- Great movie. There’s no part for Sandler. Maybe the baker.

The Good the Bad and the Ugly – Great movie.

Jaws- Great movie.

Raging Bull- Great movie.

Dawn of the Dead- Never saw the entire thing. I think this was the one that takes place in a mall. Meh.

Fast Times At Ridgemont High- Coulda used Adam Sandler. Phoebe Cates is the best part of the movie.

Citizen Kane- I like it, but I can see why people say it’s boring.

Rambo: First Blood- Haven’t seen it since it came out. I think I liked it.

Bottom line- a few of these movies aren’t any better than Billy Madison. They’re just picking on Sandler because he might be a conservative.

16 Comments on Snooty Esquire Uses Insults To Advertise Some Film Service They are Hawking

  1. Movies are made by liberals for liberals. I rarely watch movies. I might have seen 50 in my entire life.
    I never ‘go’ to see movies I watch them at home only. Not a fan tho

  2. Compared to the standard effeminate Hollywood actors, I’d have to say that Sandler is one of the better ones. I like a lot of his movies and his style of humor, provided it doesn’t get too corny. You could say I am a Sandler fan. But I don’t watch a lot of movies these days.

    “Click” was pretty good. Happy Gilmore was a great movie, especially that fight scene with Bob Barker – “The price is wrong, bitch!” lol! When that movie was available to rent, I watched it two or three times with my son, who was about 10 at the time, and we laughed our asses off every time. That scene with the baseball pitching machine was one of the funniest things I have ever seen in a movie. I don’t think my son ever saw me laugh harder than that.

    Hollywood is a giant liberal indoctrination machine. And if they want to get technical with some kind of Top Seventy Five list: Real men don’t need any Hollywood indoctrination, faggot.

  3. Mr. Deeds was pretty funny, except for the ass washing shower scene. John Turturro was a stitch, but I like him anyway, except in Transformers – pervert, keep your pants on, and who can forget “You stole my story!” But I digress.

    50 First Dates wasn’t awful.

    Bite me Esquire.

  4. Esquire? I’m thinking their clientele would be more interested in “Philadelphia”, “To Wong Foo”, “Hairspray”, “The Rocky HorrorPicture Show”, etc.

  5. Okay, but you can’t just go around saying that Adam Sandler movies are good, deep down most folks know that only two of them are even remotely rewatchable/worthy of a place on the dvd/blu ray shelf (the wedding singer and mr deeds, and it’s a maybe on that last one).

    A lot of comedians are redundant in their own work bc they usually play themselves in every picture, but Sandler has such a grating brand of stupid, I have no idea how I let my brothers convince me to watch so many of his movies. > >

  6. Not only is there no pizza at Joan’s house. there’s no film watching either…

    Damn, is IOTWReport all you got for entertainment?

    Please tell me you, at least, like puppies.

  7. My wife and I get together with another couple, have dinner and watch old movies together a couple time a month. You want a great movie list – I have it, but most if not all were made before 1960.

    My personal favorite is The Quiet Man with John Wayne (no liberal there) and Maureen O’Hara. That movie has everything, politics, religion, action/fight scene, romance, beautiful scenery and a great story with intelligent dialog. (+, Any man can enjoy looking at Maureen O’Hara)

  8. @BFH – not if you want well written and amazingly performed dialog. The older movies relied much more on story and communication than the special effects laden movies of the modern age.

    To be sure, the older movies used the effects and tricks they had at the time and were quite innovative for what they had available, but the best movies always boiled down to good writing (which is sorely lacking in today’s films).

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