Snopes Quits as Facebook’s Fact-Checker, Suggests Blacklisting Instead – IOTW Report

Snopes Quits as Facebook’s Fact-Checker, Suggests Blacklisting Instead

Breitbart Tech: Snopes on Friday announced it is ending a partnership with Facebook to fact-check information shared to the social media giant, citing a limited amount of resources available for the project.

“After contributing to that effort for two years, we want to inform our readership that has elected not to renew our partnership with Facebook,” a statement via CEO David Mikkelson and Vinny Green, vice president of operations, reads. “At this time we are evaluating the ramifications and costs of providing third-party fact-checking services, and we want to determine with certainty that our efforts to aid any particular platform are a net positive for our online community, publication, and staff.”

According to Snopes, the process of manually flagging false information became too burdensome for its 16-person team. “With a manual system and a closed system — it’s impossible to keep on top of that stuff,” Green said, then floated the option of permanently de-platforming repeat offenders.“Do you need fact-checkers to stop and do all this manual work? Or should fake websites just be reported through other means and supply a body of evidence that these people shouldn’t be on your platform because of their nefarious activity?”

In December 2016, Snopes signed onto become a fact-checker for Facebook — an initiative the technology launch in a bid to crack down on fake news circulating on its platform during the 2016 presidential election. Facebook paid Snopes $100,000 to become a fact-checking partner — an agreement that allegedly had not been fully upheld when the contract between the two parties ended at the end of December.  more

12 Comments on Snopes Quits as Facebook’s Fact-Checker, Suggests Blacklisting Instead

  1. Not so fast, Snopes! I’m sure you could quadruple your fact-checking staff for pennies on the dollar right now. There’s a whole binder full of unemployed listicle writers who could be retrained as fact-checkers, and most of them would probably work as unpaid interns. And no coding required!

  2. This sounds like a colossal waste of money to me. Why does the internet need fact checking at all? Is there anyone on the planet that says ,”I read it on the internet, it must be true?”

    If I want to post that Fur in his leisure time likes to dress up in lingerie painting his toe nails different shades of red while watching old episodes of “The View”, who cares? And I’m not judging here, really.

    Fake news sources like CNN found out the hard way that folks don’t like being lied to and they lost viewers. Popular websites and blogs expect their readers to have a modicum of critical thinking skills, and post accordingly.

  3. There’s a fact checker available mostly for free for most people. It’s called the library. There’s even a biology section that shows clear differences between man and woman. Just in case anyone was interested in knowing the truth.

  4. Most of the time the best fact checker is Common Sense.
    Common Sense and multiple trusted sources.
    When people get invested in one source who promotes themselves as the so-called “truth”, the “For Sale” sign gets lit up and they get bought to sway public opinion.
    Yeah kidz, it’s a real money maker!

  5. I don’t WANT someone else “fact checking” or having the power to permanently de-platform “repeat offenders”. FFS if you don’t like the program, turn the channel instead of trying to keep anyone else from watching it.


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