So, now what do we do? – IOTW Report

So, now what do we do?

The Conservative Kitchen Table:
by RadioMattM 

Dan Bongino was being interviewed by Glen Beck. Bongino was saying that he cannot go along with anything that might be considered as a call to violence to defend America. He used the old “That’s not who we are” platitude. I would like to agree with him.

I am just not sure that I can.

Another video included snippets from Ami Horowitz. He was in New York asking New Yorkers about “unity.” All of them were saying how we should live in peace and harmony and sing Kumbaya. He then asked the same people if they were willing to work with or compromise with conservatives. It turns out that conservatives were not to be included in the Kumbaya Choir. Conservatives should be exiled and be punished for their views.

It has been said in the past that if conservatives do not like the censorship, or should I say, protections offered by social media sites, conservatives should just “start their own.”

Well, people have taken them up on that. Parler was making tremendous gains as people were leaving — either voluntarily or involuntarily — sites such as Twitter. Then Apple and Google removed the Parler app from their app stores. It is not as though Parler is a “Conservative” site. It was started by a Democrat, John Matze Jr. It’s just that Matze understands what section 230 means and acts accordingly. Parler was using servers provided by Amazon, but Amazon decided to remove Parler from it’s servers in violation of its contract to give 30 days notice. Gab, another non-censoring social media site was told that it was being dropped by its domain registry company, Go Daddy. Gab has also been dropped by PayPal. more

77 Comments on So, now what do we do?

  1. In 1993, the only abortion clinic in my hometown was burned to the ground during the night. Whoever did it was never caught but I’m glad they did it and I’m glad they were never caught.

  2. I’m so tired of hearing this passivist shit. Particularly when Deplorables have been getting their asses kicked by the left for FOUR years. Maybe Dan just ain’t any good at it. This is the lefts narrative for obvious reasons. I’m sure at some point in time Samuel Adams was considered a domestic terrorist. I do not believe we are there yet. But we’re close. Maybe Dan can just hide and stuff mags.

  3. I think it’s worth waiting a bit to see if they hang themselves. I have a feeling it will be a very brief wait for buyer’s remorse to kick in for many. Plus we have them so worried they’ve put up razor wire and locked down DC and state capitols. If nothing happens the democrats and media look like fools instead of heroes.

  4. “Dan Bongino was being interviewed by Glen Beck…..”


    sorry, that was as far as I got, or as far as anybody needs to read.

  5. I’ve thought many times about what I would have done if I were a Jew in Europe—not just Germany—in 1930. I’d like to think I’d have beaten the panicked rush to the USA, or taken my chances on some cheap scrubland on the east end of the Mediterranean.

    All I know now is that I cannot tolerate the impending totalitarian state, and I must separate myself from its grip, or there will be blood. I’m not getting any younger, I’m old enough to have seen this movie before and I have less of my life to lose with every passing day.

    Don’t box me in, or there will be violence. I will not get on the train, and I will not go to the camp. This is who I am, Dan Bongino. Call me Gran Torino.

  6. I don’t believe God is going to give us over to the communist.
    It may not be on our time schedule or dates in the Constitution but the fix by God is more powerful than the fix by corrupt communist leftist, left wing media and big tech, politicians and judges . Be patient and see the hand of the Lord on American and the world. Maybe there’s people here that have never experienced the hand of God in their life? Though he’s not for far from any of us.
    People around the world have seen the freedom that Trump is trying to bring and yearn for it.
    This time right here and now will change everything.
    Don’t lose hope.

  7. Thirdtwin: “I’ve thought many times about what I would have done if I were a Jew in Europe—not just Germany—in 1930. I’d like to think I’d have beaten the panicked rush to the USA,”

    And the Roosevelt administration would have refused you entry and sent you back to Europe to die in a concentration camp, the way they did with an actual boatload of Jewish refugees from Europe.

  8. We’re there Brad. We’re at the curb waiting for our “date”

    Literally millions are. Like you like to say, it’s the second guy.

    I’m 70. Fit, armed and had a great life.

  9. Glen Beck is a crying pussy druggie cunt.

    Not that I have an opinion worth anything, but I do not respect him. He is a commercial delivery system always selling shit no one needs.

    Go have a bucket of Oxy you closet cocksucker.

  10. MMinAR

    Age is a useless number brother. There’s nothing more dangerous than an a fit old guy. I celebrate that. And I know you do. And we are on the prescripts. And those that don’t recognize violence as a legit denturant to the destruction of our Republic should shut the fuck up. Including secret agent man Dan Bongino. I hear he practices MAMA with Hanity. That’s just SO bad ass. Very sad really.

  11. That’s not who we are? If not, then we will be the ones loaded into the commandeered school buses that will take us to the re-education camps where we will get to re-enact the “The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution”. And don’t forget what the death toll was for that little socialist experiment.

  12. Once again before anyone considers violence; the media will use it against us. Years of democrat rioting ignored but one FALSE FLAG incident at the capitol and you get painted as violent and insane.

    The lefties produce very little real world things. It would be very effective if the Conservatives with held their labor, food production, blue collar work, etc. from the welfare takers in the shitty cities. we skip a few meals BUT THEY WILL STARVE.

    The cities would IMPLODE quickly if the real working class sat on their hands for 1 month. We have cellars, are used to hard work, can barter, shoot & eat little things like tree rat. They need Starbucks and Vaseline and Uber Eats with no real understanding of where it all comes from.

    HUNGER is a powerful tool.

  13. “That’s not who we are”

    No! Hell no! Maybe that’s not who you are!

    Given the opportunity I’d say without knowing the retribution against one’s family the shit storm would have already started. That’s what holds many back right now. At a certain point even that won’t stop it from going hot. And many would be happy to load magazines as Brad said.

    That’s why they have to kill all lines of communication amongst us deplorables.

  14. “Obviously, elections are a fools errand now.”

    I’ll agree with that statement. Who “owns” Dominion? Who “owns” the ballot counting process? Sure as hell ain’t the conservatives.

  15. Anymouse

    That is a great point. And actually one that I have pondered. I think we need to start looking at the Dark Web. A couple days ago I was getting ready for work early in the morning and had NewsMax on. They were interviewing some Nazi ex associate FBI director and his main concern in life, right behind erectile disfunction, was us Patriots moving to the dark web so those Gxd Damn Nazis couldn’t MONITOR us. Funny, I don’t feel like I need monitoring.

  16. “And the Roosevelt administration would have refused you entry”

    That’s why I said 1930, and Zion. The key is seeing the lay of the land before the crowd and not waiting until it’s too late, when everybody is rushing for the lifeboats. And have a backup plan if President Hoover turns you away.

  17. @ Brad

    Stay off the dark web. Full of assfuckery, pedos & internet fraud.

    100% agreed about, ” Age is a useless number.”

    Stay Fit and go to the range.

    Draw, sweep the safety down, line up the sights all in one motion and squeeze. You strike me as a 1911 guy. Greatest gun ever made by Browning.

    Need another Mount Rushmore with Browning, Sam Colt, & Barret!

  18. Right now, I think the way forward is for state governments that believe the election was a fraud to get together and start planning for the future as a separate country. Take things step by step, but plan long-term for independence. A bloody revolt may or may not be necessary.

    1. Have their act together and make sure most of their citizens will support them. In states like Texas and Idaho, it should not be too much of a problem.
    2. Act with like minded states and work out some demands: several levels of audits for elections, eventually by an outside auditing firm such as KPMG -NO MORE CHEATING IN ELECTIONS; no more federal funding for abortion, no more federal funding to sanctuary cities, no “wokism” forced on the people by any level of government, no more federal bail-outs to failing business, etc. No business is too big to fail.
    3. Organize militias of citizens as a backup force to states’ National Guard forces. Provide places for militia to gather and train.
    4. Try to get our concerns addressed peaceably, but be ready to fight.
    5. If demands are met honestly, we could choose to remain in the union.

    There are many other things to consider, but those are some that I think should be addressed.

  19. America is founded on war. War against oppression. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. These are all the things the Democrats want to take away from us. Bent, broken and weak, is how they want us.
    So while no one can condone war, it maybe necessary.
    Ask Germany. Ask Japan. Who’s next.

  20. What has happened in the last year, and especially in the last 2 months is appalling. The dumpocraps, led by Pelosi, are almost demanding Trump’s head on a pike.

    They blame him for covid19, blame him for riots, ignore every good thing he has done (peaceful relations between Israel and some of the Arab states), called him Hitler, criticised his wife every chance they could get, and are now hounding his kids.

  21. @The Old Man and the ¢:

    “Dan Bongino was being interviewed by Glen Beck…..”


    sorry, that was as far as I got, or as far as anybody needs to read.

    But don’t you see? You got the first joke and then didn’t stay around for the rest of them. Mentally ill/impaired people such as Beck are great for laughs! More fun than a barrel of urban youth!

  22. Kcir,
    I’ve been telling that to farmers around here for years. Stop taking your cattle to the sale barn where they’re bought to sell to the big corporations who then sell the meat to the grocers in the liberal states and cities that think meat comes wrapped in plastic and magically appears in the meat cooler at their grocery store.

    Stop selling your produce to the big guys.

    Sell it locally to small grocers, to local consumers. One thing covid did do was show them consumers would buy their meat and local grocers would pay a good price for it. So more and more cattle farmers, pig farmers and poultry farmers started doing it and quickly learned they can make more selling it that way then they can get at the sale barn. The bad thing about it is all the local butchers were backed up for months.

    They continue doing that and more start doing it, the big cities and leftist states will starve. Mexico isn’t going to be able to feed America and the rest of the world.

  23. Do you think Bongino would make a public statement about this topic? I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he wouldn’t be foolish enough to telegraph his true thoughts or plans.

    Beware of these kinds of stories and stop to think what impact they might have on the general morale of conservatives; it could be more attempts at creating rifts or demoralizing us. At least half the war is psychological.

  24. When it goes hot, feint towards the politicians, but take out the media.
    They are the most powerful.
    The pols are powerless without a fawning media.
    For right now, talk with your military, and LEO friends to find the ones who will back you up.
    They will be the key to any real conflagration.

  25. But that’s exactly “who we are” or, at least, “were.”

    Has Dan ever heard of the American Revolution?
    The War of 1812 and the burning of the Capitol?
    The Barbary Wars?
    The Civil (actually quite un-civil) War?
    The Spanish-American War?
    The Banana Wars?
    World War I?
    World War II?
    The Korean War?
    The Middle East?

    We have fought tyranny for our entire existence, but now, “It’s not who we are?”

    Maybe that’s true. Maybe, like England, we should just turn out the lights and surrender ourselves to the twilight existence of socialist stagnation and decay.

    Or maybe AA’s right and Dan just can’t bring himself to be the first “celebrity” calling for rectification.

    izlamo delenda est …

  26. New Congressional Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene has the right idea.
    Play the left’s own game against them.
    She’s filing articles of impeachment against Biden on Jan 21st.
    Someone else in Congress is starting investigations into Biden & Harris right away.
    That’s how we need to start. Get in the mud with them. Except our side has real evidence.

  27. “That’s not who we are.” Well, it’s certainly who we were or we would still be part of the British Empire. How’d that work out for the Limies? So far, every time we turn the other cheek we get that one slapped too.
    It is definitely “who they are”. If you don’t think those on the Left would do, and actually are doing, the same to us you are sadly mistaken. The events of last year are proof of that. The State stood by while cities, government buildings and private businesses were looted and burned with very few arrests. Now the FBI is suddenly all law and order and arresting people who entered the Capital uninvited some deservingly so. Where were they last Summer? Oh yeah, investigation a “noose” at a NASCAR garage. All we are asking for is fair and equal treatment under the law. We have seen that in many cases, that is not happening.
    We are at the point that the poor souls who chose to jump to their deaths rather than be burned alive at the World Trade Center were. They choose to end their lives on their terms. That is the definition of bravery. Do we choose our own fate by fighting back or do we let the Left determine how we shall live and die?
    We didn’t defeat the Nazis by playing nice. We met force with overwhelming force, violence with overwhelming violence. The Left hates us. We are standing in their way and they will use any means to crush us. We must fight back by any means necessary.

  28. “Peace isn’t merely the absence of conflict, but the presence of justice.

    War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest thing. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares about more than his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

    – John Stuart Mill

  29. Bongino’s gone soft. What happened to all the tough talk?
    Has he been a phony shill for the right all along?
    I don’t trust a single thing one of these government drones says at this point.

  30. “He used the old “That’s not who we are” platitude”

    I quit listening to Bongino, he talks fast and says nothing. Of course he would publicly say what he says because his platform is all he has. He doesn’t really have a pot to piss in with him being sick, no other place to go to earn a living. So, he needs an audience, but he just lost me and I bet hundreds more.

  31. Just curious, for those slamming Bongino, what makes you think that, when the rubber meets the road and bullets start flying that Dan will NOT be right there beside you? What is there in his past, his career, this actions or statements, his commitments to conservative values, what evidence is out there that he is a pussy, or can’t handle himself in a fight?

    Is it just possible that the worst of intentions was inferred from his comment, and just maybe he meant that mob violence, destroying the capital and fighting with the DC cops, typical ANTIFA/BLM tactics is not who we are?

    If armed conflict is the ultimate result, who would really shy from the prospect of sharing a fox hole with Dan, for him to have your back?

  32. P.S. I feel the same way about Rush Limbaugh. I find myself shutting Rush off as well. They say a whole lot of nothing that is inspiring to me. Even sit ins for Rush are pathetic. I’ll stick to listening to Pandora on my walks. I’m not expecting Rush to be here much longer.

  33. “If armed conflict is the ultimate result, who would really shy from the prospect of sharing a fox hole with Dan, for him to have your back?”

    You don’t know who you’re really sharing a foxhole with. A bullet for me and a bullet for you is how it might work out.

    Bongino said: “cannot go along with anything that might be considered as a call to violence to defend America.”

    How else would you defend America except with violence? A traitor wouldn’t.

  34. @Goldenfoxx

    “Bongino said: “cannot go along with anything that might be considered as a call to violence to defend America.””

    Is that really what he said?

    My internet search skills are not the best. I tried to youtube the interview but all I could find was this 90 second clip;

    If anyone can find the whole interview with that statement and context provided, it would be helpful.

  35. I agree with all of you who say, God is in control! He certainly is! But I cannot believe that we as a country are not going to be disciplined for all of the evil that is going on. I do believe He will keep and bless those who trust in Him but God will not be mocked, men will reap what they sow. Whatever happens to this nation, whatever happens to me I will trust Him whose ways are higher than the heavens are above the earth, and whose love is infinite not willing for any to perish but find eternal life through Jesus Christ our Savior.

  36. Additional demands Conservative States should consider:

    1. Reduction in federal grant money for frivolous studies like “Mating habits of East African Termites”, etc.
    2. Extreme Reduction of our military footprint in foreign countries. Our troops are needed here to defend the homeland.
    3. Eliminate taxpayer funding of NPR/PBS.
    4. Reduce funding to the UN by at least 50%.
    5. Universities that take federal money must be required to teach US History and citizenship as necessary for graduation – a history not written by Howard Zinn.
    6. Do not allow any foreign country to own any key US infrastructure, such as the LA Harbor which was owned by China.
    7. Complete the Border wall and completely eliminate illegal entry to the US.

  37. “…he is condemning ‘political’ violence….”

    The Civil War was not “political” violence? WWII was not “political” violence?

    The false flag operation was not political violence? The left commits political violence in its own name and they are given a pass if not praise. The left commits political violence pretending to be the right and the right gets blamed and condemned and runs away with its tail between its legs like a whipped pup.

    The Nazis burned the Reichtag in a false flag operation, albeit with enough cover to make it plausible (as if one lone communist with mental problems could have done the damage that was done) and that gives them the excuse to crack down on political opposition.

    WWII in Europe started when Germany set up a fake attack on a German radio station and blamed it on Poland. Was Poland supposed to go into hyper-apology mode and self flagellate while Britain and France condemned it for its political violence?

    We have elections that are blatantly stolen and all avenues of recourse are shut down. We are being shut down from public discourse and we are told to accept it. Leftists talk about FEMA camps and we are expected to just go along with it.

    But a single incident happens — that has many signs of being a setup — and we are supposed to crawl into a hole and die after we bow down and beg forgiveness?

    Just what are we supposed to do? Voice our discontent in approved “Free Speech Zones” after we pass out warnings about micro aggressions?

    If Bongino wants to tell us not to use violence, fine. But he damned well better offer up suggestions on how to fight the cancer that is spreading the in the USA instead of giving us more soundbites to make us feel better. Religion may be the opiate of the people, but soundbites have become the opiate of the right. We want to shake that addiction, so quit offering us more of the same.

  38. RadioMattM, I think you are making it more convoluted than it needs to be, I’ll try to simply. Do you approve of the DC riots last week? Do you approve of the rioting, the vandalism’s, the thefts and the violent confrontations with the DC cops? Do you think that what took place was proper, acceptable behavior and in keeping with our 1st Amendment protections?

  39. @Deb Bee

    It sounds like a good blueprint to build on.

    It is a basic list of demands from conservative parts of the US. They should formalize it and send it to the House, Senate, Executive, and Supreme Court.

    It’s time for us to rebel. We are all tired of being pushed around by liberals whose ideas are rooted in 1960’s drug usage and perverted attitudes.

  40. Rich Taylor: Do I approve of Poland attacking the German radio station on September 1, 1939?

    I understand. The right is supposed to sit on its hands and accept whatever comes while the left conducts false flag operations and blames the right.

    Still, I hear people saying all of things we should NOT do, but nobody is suggesting what we SHOULD
    do. Win elections? We can’t do that. The Democrats can flagrantly steal elections and we are supposed to shut up about it.

    We are being told that the only option we have is the political equivalent of “duty to retreat” as apposed to “stand your ground.”

    Quit telling me that we are supposed to be meek little sheep. Tell me what we SHOULD do.

    An no, quietly accepting our fate is not a good answer.

  41. I would have thought that my answer could clearly be seen. I guess not.

    I do not approve of the riots last week, but that is the riots. However, I approve even less that people who were not responsible for the riots are being blamed for them. Leftists can burn down cities and they are praised for their actions. People on the right can expertise their First Amendment rights legally and peacefully and they are accused of armed sieges.

    Hundreds of thousands of people peacefully marched on Washington last week. Many of the people identified as causing the violence have been identified as leftist agitators. Why should the right beat itself up over them?

    What I am hearing is that the only option the right has is to surrender. Elections are not an option. The Justice system is not an option. What did Trey Gowdy ever accomplish with his juicy sound bites? Nothing. Now we are implicitly being told that peacefully marching on the nation’s capital is not an option because some leftists thugs might cause trouble and the right will be held responsible..

    I am tired of being told what we CANNOT do. I want to know what the self flagellation crowd thinks we CAN do.

    The silence I get from after I ask that question is deafening.

  42. “Do you approve of the DC riots last week? Do you approve of the rioting, the vandalism’s, the thefts and the violent confrontations with the DC cops? Do you think that what took place was proper, acceptable behavior and in keeping with our 1st Amendment protections?”

    What riots? A protest at the Capitol? Hardly a riot – only the cops did any killing. What vandalism? What thefts? This was a staged show – theater.
    What “violent” confrontations with DC cops? The cops brought the violence – not the protesters.
    Was it “proper” and “acceptable?”
    Even a fucking rat will fight to protect itself.
    The “election” was clearly a sham. Too many frauds for random chance to explain. THAT is Treason. Election Fraud IS Treason. Get it?
    If you self-censor and “accept” the results of a false “election” the Republic NO LONGER EXISTS. Can you see how that works? The sovereignty of the people can only ONLY be assured if the elections are transparently fair, representative of the peoples’ demands, and NOT swayed by lies. ELSE the people have NO ALTERNATIVE to violence.
    Two quotes which, I hope, will sum up: “… those who are plainly evil, who are clearly traitors, or who aim at tyranny are thought by all mankind to be worthy of death.” (366 BC)

    “He only earns his freedom and existence,
    Who daily conquers it anew.” (Goethe, “Faust,” Act V Scene VI)

    Slavery is man’s natural estate – it is only through rebellion that we can be free.

    izlamo delenda est …

  43. @ RadioMattM

    “I do not approve of the riots last week” OK, great and I think that’s all Dan was saying, that in the face of frustration and anxiety, rioting, looting, and vandalism is NOT the answer, we are on the same page.

    “I approve even less that people who were not responsible for the riots are being blamed for them”

    So you think that every criminal act that occurred during the riots, all were done by ANTIFA posers and that no real TRUMP supporter participated?

    “Leftists can burn down cities and they are praised for their actions.”

    Praised by who? Lunatics, anarchists, critical race theory/BLM radicals? They are idiots, fools, and have an un-American agenda, but you already know that, right?

    “People on the right can expertise their First Amendment rights legally and peacefully and they are accused of armed sieges”

    Except that if it was legal and peaceful, then it would not have been a riot, Don’t you agree?

    “Why should the right beat itself up over them?”

    For several reason; Mainly because it wasn’t just leftist agitators, and whatever moral currency we had before, that riots, looting, property destruction were the calling cards of the left, that currency is now gone. They (the left) have justified their lawless actions under the guise that circumstances left them no other choice. Now we are saying the same thing, that a stolen election demanded that the capital be sieged. We are either the party of the Constitution, of the rule of law, of adult behavior, or we aren’t. And probably more importantly, if we ever want to hold power again, we have to distinguish ourselves from the crybaby leftists that condone political violence.

    “What I am hearing is that the only option the right has is to surrender.”

    Who exactly is saying that? specifics please.

    “I am tired of being told what we CANNOT do.”

    There has been a number of commenters that have addressed exactly that issue right here, have been following them?

  44. @ Tim JANUARY 15, 2021 AT 6:50 AM

    You forgot the Indian wars. Those wars where the government took a free people and put them on reservations. Nobody at the time realized that the reservations were models for the future of places like Detroit.

    The Indians that went willingly to the reservations, and there were quite a few of them, are like present day people that think the government will take care of them. They valued security over freedom.

    The so-called hostiles were the ones willing to fight for their freedom and many died for their efforts. Hope we have better luck.

    Deplorables = hostile Indians.

  45. So the left has a long history of political violence against the right. Trumps supporters have been assaulted for years. In other acts cities have been burned.

    But Oh! Some conservatives MAY have be involved in the trouble last week, so we should just all go quietly into the night and beg forgiveness for our existence.

    Many suggestions have been made here? Can you quote some of them? Can you enlighten me as to what some of those suggestions might be?

    You want me to back up what I mean when I say we are expected to surrender?

    Well let’s see now. We cannot protest elections where fraud clearly occurred. We are to accept when people are deplatformed for saying anything about it. The current sitting President has been locked out of social media platforms. That’s OK, we are told to just start our own. So we have Parler. Then they get get dropped by the company providing their servers. But the President advocated violence by calling on people to protest peacefully. If a conservative even questions anything he is accused of advocating violence and spreading hate. Protests have been compared to the attack on Pearl Harbor, so we should just remain silent.

    And we are supposed to grovel at the feet of the left and not upset them. People on the right are expected to trip all over themselves to avoid upsetting anyone. Maybe we should find our own Barack Obama to apologize to the rest of the world for our living.

  46. Many of the things said about Trump were also said about previous Republican Presidents as well. There is nothing conservatives can do that will not be branded as insurrection by the left so we may as well quit worrying about it. John McCain was one of the most respected people who had ever lived — except from August to November 2008 when he was utterly despicable people to have ever darkened the earth.

    Why should we search out approved Free Speech zones where we can be pushed out of the way where nobody will hear us? We will never get approval from the left for out views. We should stop worrying about it. Notice that trouble involving conservative usually is started by the left, but conservatives are always held accountable for it and are expected to apologize.

    That has to stop. Now.

  47. @RadioMattM

    Straw-maning is not effective; Go quietly in the night, beg forgiveness for our existence, we are expected to surrender, we should just remain silent,grovel at the feet of the left and not upset them, your comments are full of straw-men. Nobody is asking you to do any of those things.

    “Many suggestions have been made here? Can you quote some of them? Can you enlighten me as to what some of those suggestions might be?”

    When you make comments on a thread, do you bother to read the other comments? Deb The Bee provided one, I provided another in my Bongino Facebook link. Check out this thread from yesterday;

  48. I have never advocated rioting or breaking windows. I just object strenuously when others riot and break windows and point fingers at us and then expect us to grovel for forgiveness.

    We should petition the federal government? The one where the Democrats control the executive branch and both Houses of Congress after stealing elections? The one where the Supreme Court refuses to hear legitimate cases about the Presidential election because they were afraid of the riots that would follow? You know they were not worried about riots from conservatives — if they were then they would have heard the cases.

    I have stated several times that we need a new party. We need it now, not in 2024. We need to let the Uniparty know that they will join the Whigs in the dustbin of history.

  49. Oh, a move to impeach Biden. In a House controlled by the Democrats. More great sound bites to placate the masses. Maybe they can bring Trey Gowdy back as a guest star. Yeah, and we can take the House and Senate back in the next free and fair election as well.

    Biden will remain President until Harris 25’s him, unless, of course, they see impeaching and convicting Biden as a means to their end. We will have Harris as President in either event.

  50. “I have stated several times that we need a new party. We need it now, not in 2024. We need to let the Uniparty know that they will join the Whigs in the dustbin of history.”

    On this we agree.

    I want to call attention again to Deb The Bee’s great link above. The first part succinctly describes our frustration and current situation.

    The Second part, about a Constitution Amendment, I just don’t think that is going to happen, the blue states will not go along.

  51. There are more red states than blue. However, if 2/3 cannot be reached, if a majority or close to it can be raised it might put the fear of the Lord into the people in Washington.

    They have no reason to fear us now.

  52. I do think a new party would help pull that all together. I would not be surprised if a new party, built on traditional American values, could bring in disgruntled Democrats as well as disgruntled Republicans. There are probably people on both side who could not bring themselves to vote for the other party. I think many Democrats voted for Trump, not the “Republican” candidate.

  53. Although I like the idea of a new party and could easily get on board, it’s not going to fix anything in the short term. The concrete in the foundation would take years, maybe even decades to cure. Present day politicians of the GOP persuasion would fight it tooth and nail, they won’t put their rice bowls at risk. Plus it takes big money donors to legitimize it.

  54. I agree that it will take years. That’s why we need to start now. However, you cannot built a strong house on a rotten foundation. The powers that be in the GOP would definitely fight it, but not half as much as they would fight taking the GOP back from the RINO’s that run it now.

    The best hope is for a new party is to get so much underground traction that by the time the GOP, and the Dems for that matter, even know what has happened, the new party would be a force to be reckoned with.

    Ten Republicans voted for the latest impeachment. We cannot trust the party to give a whit about our welfare. They will never allow another Trump. They will be more intransigent than ever.

  55. Getting a new party established that makes our grievances known to all far and wide is a great first step.

    The point of establishing a list of demands/grievances is to let everyone know what we’re about.

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