So, that’s why they call it a blow hole – IOTW Report

So, that’s why they call it a blow hole


Chris Foerster resigned from his position as the Miami Dolphins’ offensive line coach Monday morning, hours after a video of him snorting a white powdery substance hit social media.  Story

24 Comments on So, that’s why they call it a blow hole

  1. So his black girlfriend did him in because of social injustice. Don’t get mad, get even! I’m tired of hearing “I’m in therapy, I’m getting some help, I’m sick!” Weiner, Weinstein, Foerster, on and on, WTH!


    I am snorting coke to protest the racial injustice in America, and will continue to do so until black men can drive down the road without getting shot!”

    Now excuse me. I have 3 more lines to finish. . .

  3. “What a maroon! Allows himself to be video’d snorting coke (or something) by a SJW stripper.”

    Oh noo. It’s worse than that. I saw the video on youtube. He recorded himself for some reason.

  4. Good thinking! Set up a line of the white stuff, make sure it gets video taped. Great idea to do it at a time when your industry is taking on water and has major image and PR problems.

    Einstein said there is a difference between genius and stupidity. Genius has limits.

  5. Mid-50s? Not a great idea, dude. Maybe a 2x espresso is a better idea for a guy this age. I don’t care how young you think you are, the ticker is mid-50s and it didn’t just roll out of the factory.

  6. Are they sure it’s coke? Could be Viagra…
    And Irony, at 56 I started doing more drugs every morning than I had done all weekends in my 20’s. Just not a fun as it used to be 🙂

  7. I had cocaine once. The doctor shoved little packets of it up my nostrils before he worked on my broken nose. I was about unconscious from the valium and morphine, but that coke woke me right up. It was really unpleasant and not something I desire to do again.

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