So, Vindman was ridiculing ‘rednecks’ and sneering about American exceptionalism to Russian officers? – IOTW Report

So, Vindman was ridiculing ‘rednecks’ and sneering about American exceptionalism to Russian officers?

American Thinker/ By Monica Showalter

Alexander Vindman, the vaunted National Security Council aide who recently gave Congress his haughty opinion about President Trump’s phone call with the president of Ukraine, wasn’t the simon-pure official just concerned about national security that he portrayed himself as earlier.

Turns out he’s quite a partisan piece of work.

Over at American Greatness, Debra Heine found the tweets of one of Vindman’s military superiors, a retired lieutenant colonel who had no choice but to verbally reprimand him.

A retired Army officer who worked with Democrat “star witness” Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman in Grafenwoher, Germany, claims Vindman “really talked up” President Barack Obama and ridiculed America and Americans in front of Russian military officers.

In an eye-opening thread on Twitter last week, retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Jim Hickman said that he “verbally reprimanded” Vindman after he heard some of his derisive remarks for himself. “Do not let the uniform fool you,” Hickman wrote. “He is a political activist in uniform.”

His series of tweets, soon after Vindman offered his anti-Trump impeachment testimony to Rep. Adam Schiff’s panel, were confirmed and corroborated.  The story Heine put together from the tweets ran like this:

He was apologetic of American culture, laughed about Americans not being educated or worldly, & really talked up Obama & globalism to the point of (sic) uncomfortable.

He would speak w/the Russian Soldiers & laugh as if at the expense of the US personnel. It was so uncomfortable & unprofessional, one of the GS [civil service]employees came & told me everything above. I walked over & sat w/in earshot of Vindman, & sure enough, all was confirmed.

One comment truly struck me as odd, & it was w/respect to American’s falsely thinking they’re exceptional, when he said, “He [Obama] is working on that now.” And he said it w/a snide ‘I know a secret’ look on his face. I honestly don’t know what it meant, it just sounded like an odd thing to say. read more

15 Comments on So, Vindman was ridiculing ‘rednecks’ and sneering about American exceptionalism to Russian officers?

  1. A Boxer strictly following Marquess of Queensberry rules goes up against a no holds barred MMA fighter.

    Who wins?

    Who you gonna put money on?

    That’s the situation we are in when Republicans go up against Democrats, Conservatives against Leftists.

  2. I could tell from the jump that this snide bastard was an Obama worshipper, the cream definitely did not rise to the top during the 8 years we endured under BHO.

    Entitled partisans like LTC Vindman acted like military protocol and Field Grade professionalism did not apply to one as august as he during the reign of his God. I would have hauled him up short if he worked for me. Good on Hickman.

    I do not assuage his service in theater but Officers are not allowed political opinions regarding the CINC’ while serving on AD for damn good reasons any competent leader would understand. His recent stunt in uniform really torqued my trigger.

    Damn close to sedition if the full extent of his culpability while in uniform ever becomes known.

  3. Something that people who’ve never been in the military really don’t understand about this is, aside from anything else about Vindman, the president of the United States is the top of his military chain-of-command. What this means in this issue is that legally speaking under military discipline and subject to the UCMJ if he has an issue with someone ranking him in his military chain-of-command the only recourse he has is to take his issue up through his military chain-of-command.

    Addressing his issue outside his military chain-of-command is not optional.

    The guy is in the military for crying out loud and is subject not just to US law but to the Uniform Code of Military Justice that enforces military order and discipline.

    He isn’t a free agent who gets to address his issues with his boss to people who aren’t in the proper military chain of command.

  4. @Kevin R: As I understand it (correct me if I’m wrong), According to the UCMJ, It also was Illegal to wear his Uniform to the hearing. He can be charged with multiple counts of insubordination.

  5. Tony, I can’t think of any reason wearing his dress uniform to a House hearing would be illegal. He isn’t representing the military there, just himself… but then he isn’t pretending to represent the military.

    He would definitely get in trouble if he wore it to a protest. It would reflect badly on the military and besmirch the uniform. He isn’t besmirching the uniform by simply appearing to the House in it so, no… I think that would be okay.

    Besmirching it for other reasons would be for a courts martial to decide.


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