So What? – IOTW Report

So What?

h/t Forcibly Deranged

9 Comments on So What?

  1. She is the Queen of congressional stupidity, Boston College must have an out reach program for idiotic bartenders.She shows very well the what can achieve with a sheet of paper from Barber’s College.

  2. It is so hard to accept an idiot clown like this is on high office. Add maxine waters, sicko pelosi, and the rest of the slime in their camp: prepare to fight for your freedom.

  3. I have a little free advice to pass along to readers in this cozy corner of the Blogosphere.

    This Cortez woman was hired solely as an entertainer.

    She’s indeed skillful as she reads her prepared scripts filled with malapropisms. She’s well-coached.

    She is Gracie Allen and you all are playing the part of George Burns.

    The Justice Democrats have successfully groomed her to be the organ-grinder’s monkey.

    Ask yourselves “what’s going on legislatively in Washington while she’s performing?”

    Better yet, try to find out.

  4. She apparently has confused economists Milton Friedman and John Maynard Keynes into one person she calls “Milton Keynes”, who are on opposite sides of economic thought. She majored in economics? If she did, she must have slept through her classes.

    Ironically, it is the name of a city in England which is being turned into a sanctuary for coronavirus infected people. It would be fitting for her to go there with the intention of discovering the impact of the virus on the economy.

    She may yet contribute something to economic theory – her death.


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