So, What’s Your Opinion On This “Road Rage” Incident? – IOTW Report

So, What’s Your Opinion On This “Road Rage” Incident?

A woman does her best to not let a guy use the passing lane. When he finally gets around her there’s a slight mishap.

What do you think?

ht/ Ray’s  e-Biz

79 Comments on So, What’s Your Opinion On This “Road Rage” Incident?

  1. I think the guy in the truck got exactly what he deserved.

    The lady was driving at a safe speed for the road conditions, and slightly under the posted speed limit.

    I would have laughed at his dumb ass as well. It takes a special kind of stupid to wreck yourself without any outside help.

  2. Well, I am reminded of the saying that if your mom doesn’t take the cig out of her mouth to tell the state trooper to kiss her ass, you might be a redneck.

    And that’s the mother of the guy in the truck.

    Mom van lady would have a tiparillo.

  3. Her driving in the passing lane was the least of the wrong doing here.

    He’s guilty of:

    1. Following too close.
    2. Wreckless driving.
    3. The equivalent of verbal assault.

    She’s guilty of:

    1. Failing to stay to the right whenever possible.
    2. Not stopping to render aid in an “accident” that she was technically connected to.

  4. Both drivers appear to be involved in typical obstinate territorial highway behavior which often can lead to accidents.

    I’m curious as to why they were recording this.
    Was the truck guy tailgating them for awhile?

    Incidentally,my observation is that the most dangerous, reckless, aggressive drivers are young males in pickups.

    Next are young females in small, sporty type cars.

  5. Not much frosts my ass more than people in the fucking left lane that will not move over for someone that wants to pass. I don’t give a fuck if you’re in the left land and going over the speed limit, if there is someone behind you that wants to pass, than fucking let them pass. So no, they’re both not idiots-the blocking driver is a GD douchemonkey so fuck her.

    And the cousin to this bullshit driving is someone passing in the left lane with another driver behind them and they’ve got their car in cruise set at 2 mph over the fucking speed limit-GODDAMNIT, step on your gas and pass so the guy behind you can pass you.

    And the cousin to that are the motherfuckers that plod along on a 2 lane highway and then when there’s no double line and you go to the left to pass, THEY SPEED UP!!!!! MOTHERTFUCKERS!!!!

  6. I first saw this on Megyn Kelly last week, and apparently the woman claimed to be in the left lane to make a left turn. Maybe she was, maybe she wasn’t. And maybe she was being a jackass in front of him. We don’t know the events that lead up to that 1:45 minute clip.

    But it’s not like that was a divided highway or parkway, in which clearly the left lane is for passing and/or driving slightly above the speed limit.

    In the case of this road, both lanes are equal. I frequently pass cars on the right, if the other car in the left lane is going too slowly, and it’s safe to do so.

    My guess is that the pick up truck had been tailing her for a while, and when he passed her he noticed her videoing him. So he slowed back down to get even with her so he could flip her the bird. If you noticed he wasn’t doing it the first time he passed.

    They were both idiots – he was the bigger one.

  7. Western WA driver complaint- driving far below the speed limit in the HOV car pool lane. When you are driving slower than the slow lane- you are doing it wrong.

    I swear we always have to to pass the holier than thou HOV driver-zip to the fast lane- back in front of the HOV driver-who usually speeds up when they see you make a move.

  8. The law says to not exceed the speed LIMIT, otherwise you are breaking the law. Traveling under the speed limit is lawful, regardless of the lane you are in, as long as it is above a posted minimum limit.

    Safe driving classes, however will teach that you pass only in the left lane and should speed up (even if over the speed limit) to avoid a tailgater, then proceed to move into the slower lane to allow passage.

    According to the law, she did not break any laws (with the exception recording while driving may be determined unlawful similar to texting and driving). The driver in the pickup was the one who broke several laws.

    According to safe driving, both of them are not safe for themselves or other people on the road.

    If either one were taught to respect defensive safe driving, this incident would not have happened. If a cop was in the area, the dude in the pickup would be the only one getting a ticket.

  9. The only way that this could have ended any better… Is if the pickup truck had slammed into her vehicle, causing a pit maneuver, putting both vehicles in a ditch. you really should watch the video several times.. being aware of how the woman provoked the whole thing.. watch how she slows down, then speeds up, while he tries to pass on a wet road.. all while she’s filming. it’s nice to know that no one else was involved with the accident.

  10. In Illinois clogging the left lane is a ticket-able offense.

    That being said, they are both assholes.

    I’m sick to tears of “holier than thou” types dictating what speed everyone else is going to drive. You can go 5 mph below the speed limit in the right lane without any issue, but that’s not what you’re after, is it? You know what you’re up to, right smart ass? You’re going out of your way to negatively affect somebody’s day/mood. What you’re after is to provoke a reaction. You’re being a dick. And the proof is you’re focused on filming their reaction instead of focusing on driving yourself. Total dick move.

    Here’s the best play for everyone. Get the fuck outta the way. It will be their speeding ticket, after all, and you don’t know that they haven’t got a dying child in the back seat that they are racing to the hospital to save. It happens. It happened to my family.

    As to the tailgating man who was driven to irrationality, he’s paying a heavy price for losing his temper. Fucked up his truck, might be hurt himself, maybe lose his insurance.

    Not that she would care about causing any of this.

    Frankly, that broad is lucky he wasn’t packing, because she could have gotten more than the finger from him. You don’t want to fuck with people, especially strangers. There be lunatics out there!

    Assholes, all the way around.

  11. She may be an asshole for blocking the passing lane, but that guy’s a bigger asshole for the way he handled it. There’s other ways to get around idiots on the road.

  12. She had time to get her phone out and film the whole thing…while driving…in the left lane!!! It’s those type of ignorant slob drivers that cause all the problems. She moves to the right, he passes, no problems. The bitch probably doesn’t use her turn signals either.

  13. Left lane bandit.
    Filming while driving.

    Dumbass driving something that’s too big for him to control.

    So much stupid out there on America’s roads, today.

    I’d do America a favor and ban them both from driving, for life.

  14. I once worked with a guy that insisted he drive his Pinto (yes, Pinto) in the far left lane of the Capital Beltway Speedway at 55 mph, because “that was the posted speed limit”. Nevermind that 55 mph is hardly used in the far right lane, let alone the far left lane. Cops usually won’t even bother to ticket you if you are cruising around 65 mph.

    He has been pitted by Dump Trucks at least three times. Ending up facing the wrong direction in the median strip. Not a good way to go through life, being a bull-headed asshole.

    Oh, and it’s called “the passing lane” for a reason. You are supposed to pull over for faster moving vehicles. It doesn’t matter how fast. You ain’t law enforcement. Ask any cop & he’ll tell you the same. She had ample opportunity to get to the left, let him pass & move back to the right, if she was turning (as she claimed). Wouldn’t have taken 20 seconds for that to happen.

    And the jackass got what he deserved. He could have passed on the left. They both should be ticketed.

  15. I was driving on I-95 in Miami recently.
    Evidently it is the farm system for idiots like this.
    In heavy traffic, some douche comes within a pico-meter of my passenger side while passing me on the left.
    He knew what he had done because he looked right at me as he went by.
    Naturally, I flipped him off.
    This angered his douche ass for some reason?
    I would guess he gets flipped off on a daily basis.
    He was very animated and was threatening me.
    I reached beneath my seat as if to pull out my .380.
    I didn’t, because if I pull it I plan to use it.
    I displayed my “finger gun” and engaged a fake bullet in the fake gun slide.
    This pissed him off even more.
    Anyway, he dropped back behind me and took a picture of my license plate. LOL!
    I flipped him off and made the jacking off hand motion as he pulled up beside me again.
    Where is a cop when you need one?
    Like Quint said “I’ll never put on a life vest again”,
    me, I’ll never drive without a firearm again.

  16. She sure traveled a long time in the left lane, if she was intending to make a turn. Given no one was on her right she could (and should) have yielded to the right,let him pass and then retake the left lane if needed. I do it all the time on the interstate when I’m passing and speedy comes flying up out of no where and gets all pushy from behind.

    “Go forth with great haste, Sir Leadfoot, and spring yonder waiting speed traps for me.”

    Also, its always better to avoid an idiot’s accident than help him (or her) get into the wreck they will eventually cause.

  17. Is it legal to act like freaking Martin Scorsese while you’re driving? If you can’t talk on a cell phone, can you really spend nearly two minutes filming BEHIND you when you’re on your cell phone?

    The understood rule of the road is this: If there is an idiot driving, make room and let him pass you. Better he is in front of you where you can keep an eye on him than block his passage with your own vehicle.

    The guy in the truck was a douche and deserved what he got for driving recklessly.

    The woman FILMING while driving, blocking the passing lane KNOWING it would infuriate the other driver, thereby facilitating the incident, should be ticketed for reckless driving, operating a cell phone camera while driving, and arrested for fleeing the scene of an accident SHE CAUSED.

  18. i’m sick of douches driving in the “obama” lane!!! i’ve had it happen over and over to me, traffic is impeded by some entitlement lane . they are usually stacked every couple of miles and all traffic has to pass on the right. i could keep going but it would involve lots of colorful language i ‘d rather not use. there should be an i.q. test to pass in order to use left lane.

  19. Yes, the pickup driver was a douche bag. So is the female hogging the left lane. Idealy, she should use the left lane for passing, then move back over ASAP. If you are going to make a left turn eventually, don’t drive in that lane for an extended distance. If she had used a little courtesy, he may not have reacted in the fashion displayed.

    If you are going to antagonize another driver, he may react violently. Instead of flipping a finger he may pull out a gun.

  20. I’m usually the biggest asshole on the road. I don’t like to be near other people, so I speed to get away from them and then back it down.

    I also have a seventh sense and can 9/10 times predict what other drivers are going to do before they know they’re going to do it.

    If there’s one thing I’m super sensitive about that pisses me off more than anything else, it’s people fcuking with me! I may be guilty of quite a few annoyances, but I WILL NEVER INTENTIONALLY FCUK WITH ANOTHER DRIVER.

    Since I’m usually the biggest asshole, you’re making a big mistake fucking with me. You want to play games and brake check me or pull some other fcuktard move? You’d better hope I don’t ever see your car again because I hold a grudge and have found the same cars weeks or months later. I won’t harm you, but that POS your so proud of won’t be so pretty once I’M FINISHED PLAYING THE GAME YOU STARTED.

  21. “I pay my taxes and my insurance. I’ll drive how ever the hell fast or slow I want as long as it’s legal.”

    Just so we’re clear, paying taxes and funding your own insurance isn’t a license or carte blanche for being an inconsiderate asshole. You, friend, are that fucker who won’t get out of the left lane, aren’t ya?

    Jesus, what an asshole!


    Okay, the guy wanting or needing to pass was a Jerk.
    It is none of your business how fast he’s driving.

    Vigilante law enforcement in some states will get your ass shot!

    She was looking for trouble and found it.

  23. there Is a reason for the BIG signs that say “slower traffic keep right” or ” left lane for passing or turning only”. the left laner did say she was going to turn…. eventually. get your fat @ss in right lane if someone is going faster than you even if they are exceeding speed limit.

  24. So, does the “REST of the story” exist out there anywhere? Where’s Paul Harvey when you need him?

    There have been a lot of assumptions made here in arriving at the various judgements.

    Based on 1:45 minute video that is severely cropped, I can’t tell who was in the right or in the wrong.

  25. Ahhh, Tycoon, I think I was behind you for 5 miles the other day driving to Colorado Springs on 115-you drove about 10 mph under the limit with a double yellow line preventing me from passing and when the sign said Passing Lane 1/4 Mile Ahead, you sped up.

    Yes, it’s legal but fuck you asshole.

    Seriously, WTF are you smoking? If someone wants to pass you, than what is the GD problem? Let them pass-if it’s a 2 lane highway, than ease off the gas and pull to the right AND LET THEM PASS.

    If you’ve got your 90 year old ass parked in the left lane and someone is behind you and wants to pass, than fucking pull over to the right lane.

    goddamnit, why be such a fucking hardon? To a stranger, like someone else said, Thar be Assholes

  26. They’re both crummy drivers. I live off of a busy highway, and there have been many fatal accidents over the years, including one that killed my grandfather in 1991. I pass the spot every day. I usually drive just a couple miles over the speed limit, unless the weather causes hazardous conditions. I’ve been tailgated many times by morons who must think they’ll actually be able to save some time by speeding the three miles to town. I guess they never took algebra.

  27. @Stirrin, what more do you need?
    She’s filming, she’s laughing, and she got enjoyment from property damage and by knowing that she made another do wrong.

    That’s more than I need to want to kick her ass.

    Plus, she’s a left lane bandit, and we have way too many of them.

  28. On being a dick driver scale 0 not being a dick and 10 being a Ron Jeremy sized dick I give the pick up driver a 10 that got what he deserved. The lady rated a 2 for being a typical pain you and I run across everyday and never feel compelled to tailgate or flip off. He needed a good dose of you’re a dumbass humility and he got it.

  29. Amazing how many times I’ve been held up by some brain dead Obamabot that decided the need to be the speed police. It’s not their job – pull to the right if someone wants to pass !

  30. I had a very similar incident happen to me as a teenager, but I wasn’t doing anything to provoke it.
    I was on my way to a friend’s house as I pulled up behind a guy who was stopped 3 or 4 car lengths from a traffic light. Not knowing what the hell this guy was doing i tapped the horn and gave him the “what’s up” gesture. No response. The light turned green and he didn’t move so I went around him.
    Of course, he jumped to the conclusion that this meant, “Let’s race to the death.” I sped up with him on my tail, but since I was in an Alfa Romeo (don’t be impressed, it was my dad’s mid-life crisis car) he didn’t have a chance.
    Finally, the road got too curvy to go that fast and I slowed down. Idiot Man behind me went flying by at about 90.

    What did he win?

    His car spun out of control and flew up a grassy hill on the side of the road. I doubled back, stopped and yelled, “Are you OK?” He looked like Charles Manson in a bad mood.
    I continued on to my friend’s house, parked, and got in my friend’s car to head out for the night. We got about 5 blocks before Idiot Man passed us going the opposite way. His car was making a hell of a noise, leaking oil, front end bashed in and now sporting a top speed of 5 mph.
    To this day I have no idea what he was doing and why he risked killing himself because someone went around him while he blocked the road.

  31. They went quite a distance with no one in the right lane. She could easily have moved over to let him pass. He was obviously reluctant to pass on the right. When he did, he started pulling ahead of her, then she sped up to get ahead of him. (so much for driving the speed limit then). This caused him to make the final mistake, speed ahead of her and lose control.

  32. For all you knee-jerk judges who have ALL of the facts on which to base your opinions – Anonymous – let me point out a few facts that are evident in this very limited video.

    1. At the 37 second mark she shows the odometer at 60 mph.

    Do you even know what the speed limit is on this road?

    2. At the 53 second mark she passes a truck that is in the right lane, with the pickup truck tailgating her ass.

    Who’s driving too slow in the left lane?

    3. At the 1:03 mark she passes another truck in the right lane, with the pickup truck still tailing her ass.

    4. At the 1:06 mark the pickup truck passes her in the right lane – NOT flipping her the bird while doing so.

    Once he notices her filming him, he slows down and begins flipping her off as he passes her again.

    This thread was more about venting personal road rage frustrations than it was about making an informed opinion on what took place here.

  33. Without reading any comments. The guy looks to be the idiot.

    You can see houses along side of road, so can’t be a freeway (does not look like it). That would make the speed limit likely no higher than 60. Hard to tell 100%, but looks like she was going 57-58 mph?

    The guy had plenty of time to pass her from what I can see on the video.

    Just because somebody’s grill is in your face in your rear view mirror does not mean you need to move over.

    Guy needs to get a grip on his emotions.

  34. Stirrin’,
    I love ya, man, but “knee-jerk judges?” Really? If you’ve done much driving at all, you have to recognize that this woman’s behavior is psychotic. She’s anointed herself the judge, jury and executioner here, and she cares nothing for anybody else, like she’s the only one of the road. There are far too many people on the road who think that obeying the “rules” absolves them of being aware of other people on the road and being decent to them, such as allowing them the common courtesy of allowing them to use THEIR OWN judgement about the safety of their driving. Mr. truck driver’s only real sin is allowing himself to get too angry in a situation where anger was justified.

  35. That is tailgating? i could see pavement below that pickup for half of that video. And if that is tailgating, half of my town is guilty. (and me)

    I thought tailgating was getting close enough to remove the chrome from someones rear bumper.

    btw, thats a pickup, not a truck. I’m in the real west and pickups that small are driven by 90 year old cowgirls on grocery runs.

  36. I’ve been tailgated and had guns pulled on me by assholes that looked and acted just like that guy. The roads are getting dangerous, crowded, the people more hotheaded and amoral.

    I’ve seriously thought about armoring the rear and doors of my vehicle with 1/4″ AR500 plate, but then I would lose practically all of my GVWR even with an already beefed suspension.

  37. I have had way too many near-miss collisions trying to get OUT of the way of someone tailgating. If you’re way too close, then there’s no way I’ll trust you enough not to swerve at the last minute into the lane I’m signaling into.

  38. the b!tch is at fault. she preferred to antagonise and prevent passing, hogging the left lane without passing.

    I have met enough of those b!tch types on the roads. they think it is funny when they slow down and speed up to prevent you from going around.

    she even records it. anyone who thinks the woman is in the right isn’t a good driver. obviously the man isn’t either or he wouldn’t of crashed bu that does not excuse the woman.

  39. Stirrin, if the woman hadn’t been a douche by blocking the passing lane, NONE of this would have happened. She apparently thought she was soooo much in the right, she was taping it, going so far as to show her speed. As if to say, hey, I’m doing 60 so what’s his problem?

    His problem is he WANTS TO FUCKING PASS YOU-for what ever reason, it’s none of your GD speed police business-let him pass.

    She is the sole idiot here.

    How many times have you been in a congo line of drivers in the left lane passing some poor soul(usually doing the limit) in the right with some douche right on your tail? And when you pass the driver on the right and move over, you see the guy that was riding your ass, now riding the guy that was in front of you. JUST LET THE FUCKER PASS-sheesh, WTF is so difficult about understanding that?

  40. MM, I think I’ve been behind that same bastard on 115 between Flo and Colorado Springs. The worst I remember was one night after a climb in Yosemite. I was heading for Mariposa on 140 with my sister, who had climbed with me that day, and we got behind some idiot who would drift down to 10 under on the curvy river bottom 2-lane in between passing opportunities. The minute a passing lane would come into view, he’d zip up to 20-over, because it was always straight, and that made him happy, apparently. This would make it just impossible to pass for the short opportunity. This happened 20-30 times on the way into Mariposa. Never did make it around him, and I never tailgated him, but I tried real hard to make his hair catch on fire. That was a beautiful road to be jacked around the whole time by an oblivious, sociopathic asshole.

  41. Right on Grunt-when you’re driving, you need to drive defensively-I learned that riding a motorcycle-and letting a lead pedal pass you is almost Rule #1-what could be more defensive that getting behind your enemy(so to speak)

  42. @ ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, that must have been Son of Nestor.

    A charming man, really. He had the chutzpah to write a letter to the WaPo:

    “[he] achieved fame in the Washington, D.C. area in 1984 after The Washington Post published his letter describing his favored driving method: On highways Nestor would settle his vehicle in the far left lane and set the cruise control at the speed limit, at the time 55 mph. He would not move to the right for drivers behind him. “Why,” he asked, “should I inconvenience myself for someone who wants to speed?”

    I know I came across this guy at least a few times, and he’s the one that informs my opinion of people who drive like the people in the clip. I don’t know who’s right & who’s wrong; neither comes off as particularly good humans. I’m on the phone, Stirrin and your clip won’t load for me. What a mess all the way around.

  43. Wow! Just read through the comments and I’m flabbergasted.

    I saw this last week and here are some facts:

    Yes, she was in the left lane.

    She showed on video trucks that were in the right lane travelling slower than her that did not afford her the opportunity to pull over.

    She was making a left turn in 1/2 mile.

    Don’t know about the rest of you, but I live in a major metropolitan city. If you need to make a left turn in 1/2 mile, you better have your car in that left lane or you will miss your turn.


  44. Exactly. It’s the right thing to do for every reason there is. It’s defensive (for you). It’s courteous (for them). It defuses the potential for inherently dangerous situations to develop (good for everybody on the road). In short, it’s the only non-insane option. To NOT want someone to pass you is beyond crazy. Do you intentionally get in the way of state patrol cars coming up behind you? Of course not. But it’s ok to do it to everyone else? Why? Because they’re “breaking the rules?” Who the fuck cares? What is that? Six-year-old behavior? Two-year-old behavior? To appoint yourself enforcer, at the risk of lives, of a questionable and thoroughly arbitrary safety rule that basically exists because it makes money for local governments? Call me cynical, but show me someone who can’t judge for themselves what a safe speed is, and has to be told, and I’ll show you someone who has no business driving.

  45. JCLady, those aren’t the facts, are they? You say the video shows her passing cars, but it clearly shows a totally clear right lane for a full 50 seconds before she passes the first vehicle. At 60mph, that’s almost a mile she covered where she could have pulled over.

    You say she was turning left in 1/2 mile, but the she drove for almost 2 minutes before she got to a left turn. That’s almost 2 miles. Sorry, I don’t buy your argument. She was being stubborn and dangerous.

  46. @GruntOfMonteCristo — Yes, those were the facts presented in the initial report.

    I’ll repeat that I live in a major metropolitan city. Defensive driving is the norm.

    You want to go faster than me when I’m at or exceeding the speed limit when I have a turn coming up?

    Screw you.

    That’s just the way it is. We have to adapt.

  47. jclady,
    I’ll defend your right to do what you have to do. If you need to turn left, fine. But if she says in her report that she only went a 1/2 mile in the left lane with this guy behind her, she’s a liar. The video doesn’t lie. She made certain of that by recording her speed and the elapsed time. That’s a fact. If the report contradicts the video, then screw the report. She’s guilty.

  48. The moment the guy TOOK THE TIME to express his displeasure that she was IMPEDING him – HE’S THE DICK!
    If you are in such a rush, why would you have time to fight, argue, flip the bird, etc…

    He’s a douche’ bag!

    A few seconds later he would’ve been dead by the truck that sped by after he wrecked.

  49. Grunt & MM, you are making assumptions for which you do not have the facts to back up. That’s my whole point here.

    a) You cannot definitively say that she was blocking the passing lane. You do not know if that road is a highway or any type of road in which the left lane is the designated passing lane.

    Where I live there are many four lane roads with a median in which both lanes are considered to be used in the same manner. A driver is not required to get in the right lane if someone behind wants to pass – especially if his/her intent is to make a left turn eventually.

    b) You have absolutely no idea what has been taking place prior to the video. You immediately jumped to a conclusion that she was the antagonist.

    Get the facts before you lay blame.

  50. @Tony R – hey, I own an F-250 diesel (the 7.3L engine, not the POS 6.0 or 6.4). It gets shitty mileage so on I-12 I’m always in the slowpoke right lane at the 2000 rpm/ 70 mph sweetspot for the best fuel economy.

    I occasionally have to pass someone going even slower than me. I always speed up to pass quickly so that I dont inconvenience other drivers who are in the passing lane.

    After watching the entire video clip, it’s clear that the idiot who was filming is a sociopathic control freak. Listening to her evil cackle when the pickup guy wrecked is all the proof I need to know that she is a fascist Democrat loser, determined to force her small-minded will on others. In 1940’s Germany she would have cheerfully volunteered to be a guard at Auschwitz.

    But there’s still hope! She can apply with FEMA to be a guard at a FEMA Reeducation Camp when Obama signs the Executive Order.

  51. For everyone that gets pissed at the woman in the left lane, you might be the next candidate to do what the idiot in the truck did. There was plenty of room for him to go around on the right. Yes she should have moved to the right. He was reckless and paid the price. Life is to short to let fools raise your blood pressure. Don’t lose your cool. They and your truck are not worth it.

  52. In my state (Missouri) you can only use the left lane to pass. Staying in that lane regardless of your doing the speed limit or not, will give you a ticket in you just sit out there.

    She would have gotten a ticket for breaking the law if a police officer had seen what she was doing.

    Now as for what he did, that’s an example of letting your anger get the best of you. With the predictable results.

  53. I try and not get my fir up over folks driving. Your loved ones may not drive as well as you, have mercy on people like you would want them to do to your family. You don’t know what their going through in life or if they are about to do something even more stupid.
    Yeah, move or pull over asap, let people pass, don’t be an ass.

  54. I think if they were in Colorado and this happened, I’d be giving them BOTH a ticket:

    Him for:
    Careless Driving
    Following Too Closely
    Driving Too Fast For Conditions

    Her for:
    Impeding traffic
    Distracted Driving (holding a phone and filming while driving)

    Rule #1 – If someone is behind you and obviously wants to pass – get your ass over to the right. Yes, it is legal in Colorado to pass on the right. Not smart, but legal. If the speed limit is 65 or over on a road that has multiple lanes in one direction, you are REQUIRED to travel in the right lane unless you are passing a vehicle.

    Yeah, like anyone is going to pay attention and actually do that…

  55. Ensign Pulver – Dittoes.
    cato – Dittoes.
    Toenex – Awesome.
    Burr – You get punched a lot, don’t you?

    Pinko – I guess you’re right, but you’re neglecting that she was doing her share of “expressing displeasure.” Certainly by videotaping while driving. Perhaps also by failing to get over when she had plenty of chance, perhaps by slowing down or speeding up to bait him. Which one is worse? If neither one “expressed displeasure,” then nothing would have happened.

    Stirrin’ – I just don’t think you can claim total lack of info here.

    a) true – we don’t know EVERYTHING, but we know a lot. From the video, we know it’s NOT a limited access freeway, but we know it’s a divided highway with acceleration lanes for turning on both the right and the left. There may or may not be stop lights, but I maintain that we know all we need to know to pronounce judgement. Assuming the very best for her, that she is getting ready to turn left, we can at least conclude that she has hogged the left lane, with almost no one in the right lane, for almost 3 minutes. Why do I say 3 minutes? Because…

    b) she started video taping the guy with 2 minutes to go to the exit. That means he’s had her attention for a significant amount of time prior. She’s almost certainly been in that lane for at least 2.5 minutes, with that guy behind her. You say we don’t know what happened before she started taping. That’s true, but given her lack of comment at the beginning, her failure to say something like “OMG, this guy’s acting crazy,” I’d say that all that’s been happening is a minute or so of the exact same thing we see at the beginning: her noticing him in the rear-view, doing nothing about it, and him getting increasingly impatient.

  56. “…to make a left turn eventually…” EVENTUALLY??? She was taping him for over 2 minutes THAT WE SAW at 60mph. That’s over 2 miles before she said she needed to make a left? Probably more.

    That’s all the facts I need to give her the blame for this one.

    Again what Grunt and I are saying is simple beyond belief-if you’re in the left lane someone wants to pass you, GET THE FUCK OVER.

    Why would you, FOR ANY REASON, not? The only reason is you’re(not you personally although with this equivocation…) a fucking douche.

    When I drive and if I’m in the left lane, I’m always checking my mirror and if I see someone coming up on me, I always get over-ALWAYS. And I might add, I generally am speeding so whoever is coming up, is really speeding. SO? I’m not the fucking speed police, if he wants to feel the need, than have at it.

  57. In Georgia the law says use the left lane for passing slower traffic. You can get a ticket for staying in the lane. In fact, there are a couple of cops in Athens who specialize in ticketing offenders. The video shows exactly why this law is in force. If she had been following the law an accident would have been avoided. Would she be laughing if the other driver was killed or killed somebody else, all due to her instigating road rage?
    And her claim to having been in the left lane just to turn is clearly bogus. She was in the fast lane way too long, taunting the driver behind her. Pull that stunt in Atlanta and you run the risk of being shot at or run off the road– who would be laughing then? Idiot.

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