Soaring food costs making it tougher for food pantries – IOTW Report

Soaring food costs making it tougher for food pantries


Soaring food costs have hit food pantries very hard. Significantly more people are showing up for emergency food assistance. At the same time, food donations are harder to get and costs have quadrupled.

Carrie Schumacher is the director of Willow Creek Care Center in South Barrington, Ill. Food providers like Willow Care and people who need food are facing the same pressures, she said.

“Our guests’ money is not going nearly as far as it did last year. It’s harder than ever to stretch dollars to pay bills and put food on the table,” Schumacher told The Center Square.

The food pantry and other services that Willow Creek provides are part of the ministry of the Willow Creek Community Church. The church started the food pantry 30 years ago when one church member bought a bag of groceries for another church member. The Care Center has expanded over the years into a modern facility that provides clothing, dental and vision care and an auto repair ministry, in addition to food. more

21 Comments on Soaring food costs making it tougher for food pantries

  1. Beans, govt cheese and rice will keep them going until they get back on their feet. EBT Cards for luxury items are designed to keep them comfortable and on the govt tIt for life. And that is a stone cold natural fact, like it or not.

  2. While I sympathize with people who are in need of food, I am not willing to waste my money donating to organizations that are feeding people who are already getting free stuff from mine and my children’s tax dollars.

  3. Agreeing with Jethro which is why I donate food to animal shelters rather than human shelters. Free 3 meals a day regardless of income plus SNAP benefits and pantries.

  4. I am a contrarian. I worked for 6 years with a major house-cleaning company, and I thought the staff was very generously paid for the work and the level of education. As well, there were health benefits and a life insurance policy. In return you had to show up for work on time, every day, do the job with a smile on your face. That proved difficult for many of the staff, who constantly complained.
    The women ALWAYS had money for tattoos, cigarettes, marijuana, booze and fake fingernails. They always seemed to have no money for rent or food for themselves or their children. And this was during the good years of 2008 to 2014. I contribute to charities at Christmas, but I do not contribute to food banks because the users have the money, they just choose to spend it on wants, not needs.

  5. Wanna know what frosts a grocery checker’s balls? Ringing up lobster, steak, prawns, and having the welfare recipient use their EBT card to pay for it. I’ve seen it with my own eyes and I get livid. I no long4er donate to any food bank, and the Salvation Army is on my “S” list. Being the racists that they’re calling me, I’m picky who gets the crumbs. Oh yeah, one more thing. Those long car lines we see from time-to-time waiting for food, all nice newer cars….better than what some of us drive. Down the road, you see cans of beets, sauerkraut, green beans, and the like tossed into a ditch, ain’t to their liking.

  6. A 30′ X 30′ patch of ground can grow more corn, potatoes, squash, peas, strawberries, plums, greens, zukinni, blackberries, raspberries, carrots, parsnips, radish, rhubarb, cucumbers, cantalope, etc. than 3 people can eat in a year (tax free). Full disclosure: you need a freezer, a canner and jars, and a dehydrater. I cannot understand why able-bodied people think they need a free food program?

    IOTW commenters surely have noticed this repetitive message “Uni-party, illusion of choice, 2 wings on the same bird” and asked, “OK, WTF??, what is YOUR suggestion?”

    Re-read the first paragraph for a start. And get out of debt. And spend your time learning many, many, new skills.

  7. Off topic a little bit, but still having to do do with food. I think I have noticed it taking longer to cook things on our stovetop, such as boiling potatoes – we use gas in our kitchen. I wonder if it’s possible to dilute the gas in some way… which makes it look like we’re cooking on high but may be not as strong a flame as before.

    We’ll pay more for it, but it’s not as good as before. Like some other things, it could be product deflation. It could be my imagination.

  8. @ Tim Buktu
    Have your stove serviced. The flow offices might be plugging. I don’t think there is anything you could cut gas with that wouldn’t be dangerous or more expensive.

  9. @ Tim Buktu

    All burners slow, suspect the regulator. Not all burners slow, suspect the burner orifice. Bring the orifice to thy air compressor in thee shop and blow compressed air backwards through the orifice. Rejoyce in the knowledge that you are gaining new skills.

  10. I proudly quit donating to my church’s food pantry. I would bring in bulk items like macaroni, flour, rice, beans, powdered eggs, powdered potatoes, canned ham, tuna fish, peanut butter, canned cheese and other canned vegetables. The church whined that it was too much though they had multiple families, then they said things like people can’t use a gallon of cooking oil, or large cans of ham or spam that they need smaller bottles/cans/packages so it fits on their counters, when they started asking me to take stuff back for gluten free flour, noodles and bread is when I stopped completely.

  11. @WTF

    Thanks, but I’ll pass on passing air thru the gas orifice, or blowing out gas from inside of the orifice to outside of the orifice, or passing or blowing out gas anytime I’m in the kitchen even if the gas coming out of the orifice is not strong enough to boil my taters.

  12. You should see the cars and trucks lined up for the free food around here!
    All white, all fat, all leaving their vehicles running with (either) the heat or the AC on.
    Pretty fucking sickening.

    Can sit in line burning up gas at $4.49/gal but can’t buy 5 lbs. of flour, a half a gal. of milk, and a dozen eggs?

    Cured me. I have video.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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