Social Ills That Plague African Americans Coincide With Leftism, Not Racism – IOTW Report

Social Ills That Plague African Americans Coincide With Leftism, Not Racism

Just Facts Daily: Many people blame racism for the grave problems that afflict a greater portion of black people than whites, including substandard educational outcomes, poverty, violence, incarceration, and poor health. However, comprehensive facts reveal no association between racism and these afflictions—much less evidence of causation. In fact, many of these problems grew worse with declining racism and rising levels of political and social power held by minorities.

In contrast, there are very strong associations between these scourges and leftist public policies and mindsets. Because association does not prove causation, these connections cannot prove that leftism caused these outcomes, but they open the door to this possibility. Other facts reinforce this prospect because minorities who are distanced from leftist environments and ideals don’t suffer like those who are surrounded by them.

Remarkably, the facts that reveal these correlations sometimes come from the research of progressive scholars who buried the information deep within their publications. read more

14 Comments on Social Ills That Plague African Americans Coincide With Leftism, Not Racism

  1. You can study and analyze black performance in schools and get any result you want. It’s an in-grained culture that has been exacerbated by rejection of God and Jesus in their life.

    This manifests itself in highly promiscuous men and women resulting in single parent (mother) households with multiple babies by multiple sperm donors. With no father involved in raising the children they are extremely vulnerable to the worst that society has to offer.

    The left promotes and exploits this cultural breakdown, further exacerbating the problem – a problem for low socio-economic blacks, but an opportunity for leftist politicians.

    The left is EVIL!

  2. Blacks, inner city Blacks, have been taught that their lives are not their own responsibility and all of their problems are someone else’s fault for several generations now.

    It’s been the Leftist Whites and minority elites that have taught them that, that’s all they’ve been taught and they just don’t know anything else because of it.

    So where do we place the actual blame for this social condition? On racism and the Black’s that have been taught to think that way or on their Leftist (Democrat) rulers that have taught them to think that way and prevented them being exposed to anything else?

  3. It’s pretty clear that blacks were doing much better before racist Lyndon Baines Johnson put them back on the plantation with his Great Society.

    That’s when the shit show began.

  4. @P-E Crackerbaby –

    Your observation raises an entirely different problem with the black community. Sadly, in a perverse immoral way it remedies the issue of single parent household, but it exacerbates the immoral promiscuity in the community.

    It becomes a vicious cycle.

  5. How about this: leftism, shemftism: it’s about stealing money, period.

    Scumbags like shartpton, jackson, the obamas, pelosi, biden – they’ll shill for anyone for the money.

    Then there’s that whore, Kamala Harris.

  6. Besides the Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson type plagues.

    One of the newer plagues are professional black athletes, (who are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to play a game).

    Telling the people in all the neighborhoods similar to their home ‘hood. America is racist and keeps them down, otherwise they’d be successful.

    Yeah, right. I don’t have a Maserati, a Porsche, and a Land Rover sitting in my garage. Not because someone kept me down, I know I didn’t work hard enough and never found that job that paid me a lot more money. I was vaccinated at a young age against the plague of blaming others or listening to fools who tell me I should.


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