Social Jabba Warrior – IOTW Report

15 Comments on Social Jabba Warrior

  1. If this situation were reversed, and a conservative student was causing trouble like this at a lefty event, every Leftist media outlet large and small would be making sure everyone in the country knew her name and life story.

    Why are we not doing the same?

    Someone on that campus knows who this whale is.

    Surely some conservative writer, reporter, blogger, or whatever lives in the vicinity of UMass. Why are we not digging this shit up and splashing it to the four winds? It’s what they would do to us.

    Like BFH always says (and I agree): enough of the double standard. If the rule is The Left destroys someone’s life for activism, then let that be the rule for their foot troops as well.

    Make this cow a household name.

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