April 2016 – IOTW Report

Dem Bones Dem Bones

Saturday, 30 April 2016, 18:47 BFH 13

Woman pulls a gun because her chicken wings had bones in em. Yep, she’s black. Downtrend- Where do stereotypes come from? Are they based on reality or just made up [Read More]

Fake Russian Terminator Suit

Saturday, 30 April 2016, 16:00 Dr. Tar 9

A woman reportedly takes a stroll through a Russian minefield in what is claimed to be a bomb resistant suit. Yeah, I’m calling B.S. on this one.

Me-ternity Leave

Saturday, 30 April 2016, 15:00 Dr. Tar 10

A childless women, age 38, is calling for the same leave granted new mothers. “-which is, to me, a sabbatical-like break that allows women and, to a lesser degree, men [Read More]

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