Bad News, Joe – IOTW Report

Bad News, Joe

26 Comments on Bad News, Joe

  1. Honest people naturally like Trump because he helps them help themselves. The grifting, criminal group naturally like scum like Biden because the likes of Biden and Pelosi enable their grift.

  2. If a miracle happens and he does become president, they’ll turn on a dime against him if he does the things he needs tondo to turn the economy around, like eliminate DEI, close the border to illegals including Africans, and start arresting criminals, many of which will be Black.

  3. @OpenTheDoor — Agreed. It’s because they vote with our pockets. It’s easy to be generously virtuous with other people’s blood, sweat, and money.

    Now, however, they too may be feeling the pinch at the gas pump/charging station and Whole Foods. I’m sure a lot of people who thought they were immune to the vicissitudes of disastrous social and economic policies are beginning to realize they aren’t as financially-isolated from them as they thought. But they see through a glass darkly and may never understand the consequences of their voting habits. Mostly I think they just vote for “the other guy” in the same way one throws the dice.

  4. Big deal.

    Maybe we LET him get “elected” then blow up Welfare in his face! They’ll burn this whole bitch down FOR us, force HIM to declare Martial Law FOR us, then we’ll have those nippers voting Democrat for the NEXT hundred years!

  5. Stay tuned as we find the answers to The Obsolete Man’s questions on…

    “As The W̶o̶r̶l̶d Stomach T̶u̶r̶n̶s Churns”

    And now a word from our alternate sponsor

  6. … or, in the interest of gender afirmation: “The Young and the Breastless” sponsored by Hasbro and their new action figure: “G.I. Don’t Know”

  7. Harry, they laughed at him because he ripped an 8 second fart, turned in confusion totally lost, vacant stare, mouth agape, then weirdly saluted.

    In a compassionate world this pederast fossil would be in a nursing home. In pinko America he is resident. Ever single member of the uniparty and every single person who voted for this lifelong Luciferian Lizard will have to answer to the Lord.

    As an aspiring Catholic I must forgive and pray for them all, talk about a test of faith…

  8. Cisco – At some point an 8 second fart turns liquid or solid!
    Don’t fergit Joe’s version of the Rock, Paper, Scissors game:
    Solid, Liquid or gas…
    What’ gonna come outta my ass!

  9. Does ANY of it matter if they are still able to rig the voting machines, print up tens of millions of fake mail-in ballots, harvest ballots from illegals who have no right to vote in the first place, and everything else they put in place that the republicans not only failed to acknowledge but also DENIED existed, and that haven’t been addressed adequately?

  10. Does ANY of it matter if they are still able to rig the voting machines, print up tens of millions of fake mail-in ballots, harvest ballots from illegals who have no right to vote in the first place… WITH NO ENFORCEMENT!


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