Social Justice Math Classes – IOTW Report

Social Justice Math Classes

5 Comments on Social Justice Math Classes

  1. Ummm….. Yup! Far more important to pollute the “brains full of mush” rather than instruct them in claptrap such as reading, writing and arithmetic. It is useful IDIOTS we are in need of certainly not critical thinkers.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Two trains are on the same track headed toward each other. The first is moving East at 30 MPH. The second is moving West at 120 MPH.

    What is the splatter radius of the lefties who chained themselves to the track in protest of oil?

    BONUS: What was their final thought?

  3. Canada is above us ???
    Stop teaching to the level of the
    dullest kid! Kid goes as far as he/she
    can go with C grades and then trade school.
    If I have a 9th grader that needs a dam MIT
    advanced math Prof. to come in and teach him/her
    because their math skill level is off the chart then
    dam skippy get that dude in there!


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