Social Security is Broke, but American Taxpayers Just Gave Ukrainian Pensioners a Double-Digit Raise – IOTW Report

Social Security is Broke, but American Taxpayers Just Gave Ukrainian Pensioners a Double-Digit Raise

American Thinker:

As American taxpayers paying into Social Security today stare down the barrel toward substantial cuts to their own benefits, estimated to take place in 2034, they can at least take solace in knowing that all categories of Ukrainian pensioners will get a 20% raise in March 2023.  “As early as this March,” says Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, “the government will index pensions by 20%” for about 10 million Ukrainians.

Indexing the payments “is not mandatory according to the Law of Ukraine on the State Budget for 2023,” but benevolent President Zelensky has instructed them to reprice the benefits upwards anyway.

And why wouldn’t he?  His government is swimming in American cash.

Americans have spent more than $100 billion on aid to Ukraine.  And, as the notoriously corrupt Ukrainian government is undoubtedly well aware, money is fungible.

This is an example of a common shell game that politicians love to play with the rubes when it comes to government spending.  The Ukrainian government could have certainly diverted government spending from its pension outlays toward its own national defense in a time of war while calling for foreign aid to support its pension program, and the fiscal effect might have largely been the same.  It’s just more politically defensible for Ukraine to continue paying uninterrupted pensions while demanding that massive amounts of foreign aid are needed to finance its national defense.  And now, because Ukraine’s government no longer has to spend its own money on its own national defense, it has plenty of money to give generous raises to Ukrainian pensioners. MORE

12 Comments on Social Security is Broke, but American Taxpayers Just Gave Ukrainian Pensioners a Double-Digit Raise

  1. This is maddening beyond belief! Our elected officials are giving away the bank for what, a 10% kickback? Will the Pearly Gates be open to us if kill these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS in order to save our country for our children and grandchildren?



    **Check the P.O.Box Financial Record.
    ***AZ Boxes are a Different, yet, similiar Netwerks.

  3. Looks like FOX News turds are sinking
    Like that Fake Plastic TURD Geraldo Riviera
    Geraldos Legacy is SINKING Faster than Cement Shooed Thiefs
    Sinking FAST as Turkeys Necks wrapped in Trailer Chains
    Bottom Feed

    BTW, ICYMI, last night on FOX News Drama Queen Hannity Show
    Geraldo said Food Stamps for Troops isn’t an appealing CHARITY
    He’s sorry it sucks for them but Ukrainians are in Trouble
    And need ALL of Americas Money
    All OF IT
    And Geraldo will be sure to get a piece.

    Geraldo Riviera is a TURD.
    A Traitor to America.
    A Typical FOX News / Karl Rove / Dana Perino / Paul Ryan type
    Money Grubbing Scum.
    As bad as 30 EVIL Rock msNBC.
    Maybe worse.
    They STEAL from their FAMILY.

    Right Geraldo Riviera?
    What have you stolen Geraldo?
    Safety Ports?

    How ya gonna get there Geraldo?

    How’s your swimming what with that Heart thing.
    Hope you don’t have to stay afloat in a panic situation.
    That speeds the blood.

    Repeat: Geraldo Riviera of FOX News with multi-million dollar contracts and fees and payments from FOX Business Interests and book deals and commercial interests and money, money, money tastes and expanses, is OK with out Military having to rely on FOOD STAMPS . . . BUT . . . Ukrain and the continuation of the MONEY FLOW is more important.

  4. My Freshman year the President told us SS was broke. He said we needed to raise the max tax from $66 to $150. It did not pass!
    3years later a liberal R * said in honor to the man the Russians killed we should raise the tax; it passed. 2 years later LBJ said SS is broke we need more taxes! taxes raised.

    in 1984 the liberal * who 20 years earlier said raise the tax over 200% said to save SS we need NOT ONE BUT 2 TAXES. ANC ON 1 WE SHOULD SET THE LIMIT AT “LAZY 8”. INFINITY. It passed.
    The last 62 years liberals have repeatedly said SS is broke RAISE THE TAX , Or in Bob’s case make it two taxes!

    There is a very good reason FDR said ALL GOVT WORKERS are exempt 88 years ago. IF you could do what in 1949 was 2nd grade math (pre JFK’s “Social promotion” you learned or stayed back! So you learned!) you knew it was a Ponzi scheme. So had Congress men been forced – like most – to pay the tax they _ most, not all – would have voted against it!

    My carpenter Grand Dad got more $ his first year than he paid in in his life. In 22 years of retirement he got over 250 times what he paid. His son and his grandsons paid for his retirement. A fact that those not math challenged understood in 1936!

    Liberal economists said “Ponzi scheme” was wrong; it was a “transfer tax’. future generations would pay for current workers’s retirement. True, but it stills, AND IS, a Ponzi Scheme.
    I paid for my parents’s and grand parents’s retirements. They did not. PONZI SCHEME

  5. PS

    My kids understand that they are paying the check I get each month. They are saving for their retirements knowing the PONZI SHEME will likely unravel before their retirements do.

  6. When all is said and done, the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey can’t give a single dime to Ukraine without the complicity and consent of Congress – PERIOD.

    Everybody – EVERY-fucking-BODY – is getting a slice of this – otherwise it wouldn’t be appropriated. Our entire gov’t is a criminal enterprise – top to bottom.

    When we’ve had enough, we’ll have had enough – until then, we’ll continue to bend over and take it like a man.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The disgusting perverted KKKJoe Biden’s hush money to Zelensky plus to keep him quiet about Z’s killing, persecuting, and segregating ethnic folks and blak people in Ukraine. Think Z’s azov battalions at full force.

  8. Oh, look! we have a new spammer, scammer to replace “Doc John”, now it’s “caxava67”.


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