‘Socialism Is Here’ — Vermont GOP Candidate, Deserae Morin Says She Received Ominous Death And Rape Threat – IOTW Report

‘Socialism Is Here’ — Vermont GOP Candidate, Deserae Morin Says She Received Ominous Death And Rape Threat

Daily Caller: Deserae Morin, a Republican running for a seat in the Vermont House of Representatives, allegedly received an ominous death and rape threat letter from someone claiming to be a socialist.

“I’ve received my first official death threat, also rape threat,” Morin wrote via Facebook on Saturday along with a picture of an envelope and its contents. “And a threat to all Vermont Republicans. My entire platform consists of protecting individual liberty, ensuring small government, reducing taxes, increasing personal choices and a deep commitment to the Constitution… Apparently these are things that make the Socialists want to kill me… How telling.”

The letter, pieced together in block letters, read:


We are hunting you. My comrades will kill you and the Constitution. First we will rape you for days. You will scream and know that agonizing horror. No equal rights for Republicans. Socialism is here. Open season for Republican death in Vermont.

Fear our revolution. It’s time.



10 Comments on ‘Socialism Is Here’ — Vermont GOP Candidate, Deserae Morin Says She Received Ominous Death And Rape Threat

  1. “My comrades will kill you and the Constitution.”

    Typical cowardly socialist maggot. His “comrades” – not him.
    He’ll stay in his mother’s basement gluing together epistles to send terror into the hearts of Americans.

    Hitler’s “putsch” of 1923 was punished very lightly because of the pusillanimity and complicity of the Bavarian gov’t – just as this maggot will escape because of the pusillanimity and complicity of the Vermont gov’t.

    This is far graver than simply “making threats.”
    This is an attack (and an obvious one) against our very fundamental governmental structure and should be punished as TREASON (which it is) just as that imbecile Alec Baldwin’s expressed call for revolt should be (even though he IS a revolting guy).

    We’ll see how this rolls out.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Sigh… I’m thinking, nay hoping, that somewhere out there, there are a few people with the resources and feduptitude to find these demons and exact a little preemptive, incognito, attitude adjustment on them, if you catch what I’m throwing at you…

  3. Um, how can you have a revolution without any means?
    We have the guns, they have pussy hats
    They can write all the letters they want to.
    All they have is the mob. Which is tolerated by the local police due to the Liberal City governments.
    So bring your mob, bring your hats and masks and sticks and bear spray and surround me. Bring your Comrades.
    When I pull out my two Judges, loaded with 4/10’s I will watch with high amusement as they scramble for cover, abandoning their wounded and dead.

  4. The fact she shared it on social media instead of letting police handle it should’ve been evidence enough it was faked for publicity, but I guess it’s not just social justice warriors that are blinded by their addiction to feminine innocence. The hilarious thing is, judging by the other comments here, they apparently lack the self awareness required to acknowledge that they’ve essentially done with what liberals have done with Ford. She also could’ve just used an inkjet printer for the letter. It’s faster and, in spite of popular belief, it’s not traceable. Inkjet =/= laser printer, but people still confuse the two. Laser printers make prints that don’t smudge and are impervious to water, which makes sense to include tracking marks on all the prints. Inkjet printers use water soluble ink that will also smudge, if it doesn’t dry fast enough. Combining the technologies would make the printers to bulky and would defeat the purpose of having trace marks on the stationary, to begin with. So, yes, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to use an inkjet printer. Paper cutouts are completely unnecessary and, unsurprisingly, a Hollywood fiction. Too much effort to threaten a politician no one cares about, much less a candidate for said position.

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