Socialism Is Slavery – IOTW Report

Socialism Is Slavery

What’s the fundamental design flaw within socialism that makes creating equality impossible? Why does socialism’s quest for equality always end in slavery?

h/t ToreSaysShow

21 Comments on Socialism Is Slavery

  1. ^^^^ There is no way out of this, and there won’t be enough people willing to leave the Republican Party and join a new one to make any difference in the future electoral results.

    The right had its shot, bet all it had and and lost, lost everything, and will never have the chance to win again.

    You probably won’t want to hear that, but calling for secession is a simple admission of its truth.

  2. I just had a similar discussion with my wife.

    I have pretty much abandoned the Catholic church after years of them abusing Children.

    However, Imagine a conversation between Pope John Paul II vs. Pope Frankie the Commie.
    JPII was far from perfect but nothing like this
    Pedo Son of a Whore.

  3. Nope – Socialism is the veil behind which those who are hell bent on increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death operate. To say socialism was designed with the intent in mind of improving the lives of the masses, when whenever it has been put into practice the result has been an exponential increase in the suffering, misery and death of all except the favored few, is preposterous.

    The time to concede “good intentions” has came and went nearly a century ago. It might be different if there were not a documented history of what socialism leads to each and every time it’s proponents achieve critical mass and have been able to put their theories into practice.

    At this point in history it is the pinnacle of naivety to accept that any advocate for this scheme does so with any empathy whatsoever for their fellow man or even an inkling of charitability in their hearts.

    It is a scheme designed for those who are consumed by envy to punish those who they think have something they have not. Envy is insatiable and thirst for revenge cannot be slaked, irrespective of who or how many they make suffer there is always another person who lives a joyous and happy life to replace them with and target.

  4. It doesn’t just “end” in slavery. It begins With slavery.
    The person (and all else within its evil system) is the property of the state. Cradle to grave they must do as they are told, when they are told or suffer the consequences.

  5. Socialism is Robbery!
    Zenezuela used to be the wealthiest nation in South America. Where did all that wealth go? To the Socialist Elites, that’s where!
    The United States is the richest plumb on the planet that the Socialists just can’t wait to rob blind!! All those tax increases that are in our future are NOT going to pay for lost wages, energy, infrastructure or anything else. It will find its way into the pockets of these charlitans!

  6. @ RadioMattM FEBRUARY 5, 2021 AT 4:35 PM

    “Years ago I read a warning to American tourists, especially those traveling to cities in third world countries. There had been reports that Americans would be walking down the street in a large city and street thugs would try and force the tourists into a dark alley where they would be robbed and assaulted. At that very moment, a “Good Samaritan” would drive up in a van and tell the tourist to get in and the driver would help the tourist escape.

    As you might imagine, the street thugs were merely the setup people. The person who was really going to rob and injure the tourist was the driver of the van.

    Today we have street thugs in the form of the Democratic Party and we have a van driver in the form of the Republican Party.”

    Yea, no shit!

  7. Seccession? I doubt the socialist pigs would leave Texas just because it became its own country once again. We had assholes waaaay back on the day the DI was signed and the day the USC was signed, too. You can hold evil down but you can’t get rid of it entirely.

  8. Libertarianism suffers the same fatal flaw as ‘true socialism’. ‘True socialism’ requires that each and every individual make the exactly correct decision or move at exactly the right time to produce the greatest benefit for the collective. This is obviously impossible and takes no consideration of the malicious actor, the criminal in society. Thus, ‘true socialism’ is impossible and ultimately requires a dictator and ruling junta or cadre. In Libertarianism, the anarchic end is the same, a strongman, after the period of chaos as the malicious run wild without suppression by organized government structure.

  9. The human spirit and the urge to get ahead will always defeat socialism….ALWAYS.
    The lack of spirit and ambition in some will always lead to trying it again and again in perpetuity.
    The best we can hope for to combat the socialism scourge is a form of governance that guarantees that All are given the opportunity to succeed whether they take that opportunity or not.
    That is what the founders envisioned


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