Socialist Darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Caught Celebrating, Campaigning With Known Anti-Semite And Racist – IOTW Report

Socialist Darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Caught Celebrating, Campaigning With Known Anti-Semite And Racist


Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stunned the political world and rank-in-file Democrats by defeating incumbent Joe Crowley in Tuesday’s New York primary. The Ocasio-Cortez win signaled the growing swing leftward for national Democrats, a party undergoing a power struggle and identity crisis after Trump’s election victory in 2016. The platform Ocasio-Cortez ran on was deeply progressive, calling on the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, nationalized health care, universal jobs guarantee and getting America to 100 percent green energy.

However, footage reveals that Ocasio-Cortez also has associates with regressive views.

One of Ocasio-Cortez’s most enthusiastic campaigners and a man who stood behind her at her victory party, Thomas Lopez-Pierre, is a known anti-Semite and racist. Lopez-Pierre has regularly used slurs against Jewish and black New Yorkers in public forums and while running for office himself.

While running for office in 2017, Lopez-Pierre specifically campaigned on “protecting tenants from greedy Jewish landlords.” Lopez-Pierre’s own campaign website shows his rantings agains “Greedy Jewish Landlords.” His campaign website applauds the arrest of “Greedy Jewish Landlords” and says that “Jewish Landlords” are “punishing” black and Hispanic families.

Lopez-Pierre’s twitter bio says he is protecting people from “greedy Jewish landlords.” In May of 2018, Lopez-Pierre ranted against “Greedy Jewish landlords,” saying Jesus should put them “In Hell.” Just this month Lopez-Pierre tweeted about “Greedy Jewish landlords.”

Lopez-Pierre also has tweeted about threatening white people and Jewish people with violence.  MORE

12 Comments on Socialist Darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Caught Celebrating, Campaigning With Known Anti-Semite And Racist

  1. They, the leftists, make no bones about it. I want to here more from them.

    POTUS is like a magnet on one of those face games.

    DJT is playing with them.

    Don’t be outraged anymore. (Well maybe here on IOTW)

    Especially when it happens in Queens/Bronx.

    Just CONCENTRATE, like the leftists are, on 2020.


  2. She is quoted as saying “I have no idea who that guy is…” or something to that effect.
    Yeah, right. Nope.
    That is the same mind trick obama used for his friendship with bill ayers. They really are running out of tricks.

  3. This was Archie Bunkers’ old voting district…

    “Boy the way Glenn Miller Played…..”

    My how things have changed…talk about rollin’ around in a grave…


  4. I’m in this district. Northern Astoria it used to be Carolyn Maloney’s District, which included Upper East Side, until the last redistricting. This lady is a Bernie/Occupy socialist. Wikipedia says the district is half hispanic, so she is probably a lock. But I wonder if blue-collar and older voters will go for her. It might be interesting.


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