Socialists Don’t Really Believe in Socialism – IOTW Report

Socialists Don’t Really Believe in Socialism

American Thinker: 

Can we dispel, once and for all, the notion that “socialists,” “democratic” or otherwise, actually believe in the socialism they peddle?

“Socialists” love money, guns, walls, fossil fuels, Amazon, meat, private jets and cars, luxury apartments, mansions, and low taxes as much as anyone else.

“Socialists” just want everyone else controlled under their rule of tyranny.

Do you really think multi-house-owning, seven-figure-net-worth, $14,500-a-month-salary “democratic socialist” Vermont senator Bernard Sanders truly believes the “free stuff” balderdash he’s regurgitated for decades?  He admiresFidel Castro because he wants to be just like him, and he’s enamored of bread lines because, like a good “socialist,” he knows that the most addictive drug is government dependency.

I’m reminded of this every day, when I look at the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics rationing ticket from my wife’s upbringing in Poland.  Spoiler alert: Neither Lenin nor Stalin believed in socialism, either.

Sandy the Socialist Schoolgirl wasted no time getting a fancy pad (she earns the same as Bread Line Bernard).  Rumor has it that the building’s energy sources are electricity and oil — ah, first-world living in Washington, D.C., where average monthly rents are higher only in ten other cities around the globe.  Higher taxes?  Ha!  Sandy’s Immaculate Conceiver, AKA her mother, just moved from New York to my home state of Florida to reduce her property tax bill.  I hope she didn’t bring her politics with her.

President Obama?  Y’all aren’t still duped by his “fundamental transformation” shtick, are you?  Barry and Michelle may not have a wall around their $8.1-million mansion, but I assure you there are many scary-looking bodyguards armed with scary-looking guns.  And their guns are loaded and carried in gun-free zones — which are perhaps the stupidest thing in the long and illustrious history of stupid things.



9 Comments on Socialists Don’t Really Believe in Socialism

  1. They’re thieves plain and simple.
    In the process of taking money from the wealthy, they take their cut off the top and give the crumbs to the poor.
    Right Nancy?
    (speaking of crumbs)

  2. There are two kinds of socialist. People who are too dumb to understand how there policy’s will effect them. And people who are just as dumb, but believe they are smart enough that there policy’s will not effect them.


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