Sociology Professor Offended by “Men Working” Sign – IOTW Report

Sociology Professor Offended by “Men Working” Sign

Summit News:

UPDATE: She deleted the tweet, but the Internet never forgets.


She thought she was making a stand for feminism, but ended up becoming a total laughingstock.

From the luxury of her air-conditioned vehicle, Washington University in St. Louis assistant professor of sociology Caitlyn Collins was triggered as she passed a road sign that said “men working,” tweeting a photo of it next to her own salty face.

Collins demanded to know from the workers whether there were any women on the crew. more

34 Comments on Sociology Professor Offended by “Men Working” Sign

  1. I wonder if the delicate snowflake lies awake at night with tears in her eyes contemplating the fact that the only reason she is a alive is because a man laid pipe in her mother. Sucks to be her.

  2. Get you’r powdered ass out of that hole you’re in and work digging a useful ditch or drain sewage hole and you might(if you can survive the hand blisters and callusses)get you’re own special sign!

  3. @ Perry: Coming soon to female work crew areas near you – “Femmosapiens working”. Be ready to tug your forelock and press your cap to your chest…

  4. If you were to put every gender, and alphabet soup designation the libs recognize on a simple sign you’d have to pour a footing to hold the giant thing up plus apply for zoning variances because of the height of the sign. Plus you’d cause traffic backup’s because you would have to stop to read the whole damn thing. Men working works just fine. Simple and direct.

  5. forcibly deranged: Your mostly likely correct. Maybe something like “Work Crew Ahead” might, I say might work. “Crew” might suggest, a hair style/gender/or some other problem. There’s no pleasing some people who really just want to irritate anyone in the nearby area.

  6. “Here ma’am… This is a jack hammer..

    Give your best shot.”

    …maybe she wouldn’t BE like that if one of those fellows stepped up to the plate and gave her a, ah, “jack hammering” between the sheets, @Groucho Marxist…I suspect that’s the REAL problem with these liberal broads, just sayin’…


  8. This kind of mentality is why you always see women on road-working crews. They are the ones holding the sign that says “stop” and “slow’. That way the contractor can keep the government off his back. Oh, and the women are paid as much as the guys who are doing actual physical labor, because to pay them what they are worth is SEXIST!

    Side note: The specifications for road signs come from the Federal Government; don’t like them, call your congress “person”.

  9. Best comment from the original article:

    “Because I know that as a woman, my single greatest motivation when I wake up every morning is to throw on a shapeless construction outfit, and tear up concrete on a freezing street before going into the sewers and wading through feces and used tampons. Add in a few live electrical wires just for fun. I think I’ll let the patriarchy keep that one.”

  10. If the sorry trash that writes the The Handmaid’s Tale followed here at IOTW, the comments themselves would keep them employed! Yet, Liz Moss, start doing infomercials for that skin care spray-on stuff, or a weight watcher thingy.

  11. @Tony

    “The worker should have told her “oh, we don’t hire women, they aren’t capable of doing this kind of work.” Then stand back and watch the melt-down.”

    That delicate little rosebud sociology professor would have gotten an upset tummy and likely would have started crying.

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